The abdominal abscess that has been plaguing me has decided to make an unwelcome return. I noticed a swelling a couple of days ago and the site where the drain was has started to ooze discharge again. Waiting for a callback from my GP so hoping for antibiotics and dressings to begin with and will be speaking to my haematologist in 2 weeks to work out a way forward. The final option is surgery but the hospital are not keen to operate given the size of the area that would need to be removed. Feeling unwell again as last time when this occurred headache and fatigue. Hoping for a solution to this once and for all. Love and strength to all.
A backward step.: The abdominal abscess that... - CLL Support
A backward step.

I am Extremely sad to hear of your relapse. You are getting into the situation where you need Britain’s best quality healthcare. I am wishing you can be referred to, and examined for second opinion in the best big city medical center in Britain. You have suffered with an unresolved infection much too long.
Thank you Ron. Indeed this is very depressing given the months that this issue has remained unresolved.
If it were me I would beg ( if necessary) to be referred to an infectious disease specialist in the best medical center in New England where I live ASAP or if that failed show up in the best big city Emergency ward with an N 95 mask and all my related copies of documents related to my past treatment if you can get there with a good friend.
Oh Jacksc06 - that news must have been as unwelcome as a rat’s nest under your house! I agree with getting an infectious disease specialist. You have dealt with this for far too long.
Please keep us posted as to how your treatment for this is progressing and how you are doing.
Thanks. I can see a visit to hospital in the near future.
So sorry to hear this, hope it can be resolved for you once and for all. How are things otherwise?
Really sorry to hear this has started up again Jack. There definitely needs to be a plan. So depressing for you.
This is just terrible, so sorry to hear that. I didn't have an abdominal abscess like you but I had a sinus infection that I couldn't shift, it was absolutely horrendous and no matter what antibiotics I had, it would come back within days of stopping them. The only thing that worked was when I eventually got a neutropenic sepsis and was treated with the strong antibiotics they give you specifically for sepsis, intravenously for 3 days and another week of Co-Amoxiclav orally afterwards. This finally worked and after almost 5 months of fighting the infection daily, my CRP was going down and eventually went below 10!
I'm now on Azithromycin (prophylactic antibiotic).
What did they treat it with when you were in the hospital and what are taking now? Maybe you really need something super strong like the "sepsis protocol" antibiotics and orally definitely something stronger too and a longer course.
I really feel for you, long term ongoing infections are like a "vampire" sucking every little bit of energy out of you...hope you start feeling better soon but I think you need to push for something stronger...let us know how you get on.
Prophylactic Azithromycin is the only thing that keeps my sinus infections at bay. It’s been 4 years now 🤞so I hope it will do the same for you. My fabulous ENT surgeon said lots of doctors would have operated on me but he thought that could result in scar tissue and more infections.
Colette x
HI. I was on intravenous antibiotics in hospital very strong. My GP has prescribed Co-Amoxiclav. If no improvement he will probably refer me back to hospital. This has been going on for getting on for two years now. I had sepsis in 2017 which nearly finished me. Hoping that this can be finally resolved.
Jack so sorry to hear this has reoccurred. This is an ‘ologist’ I am not familiar with but should you not be asking your GP for an urgent referral to the right one. Would an immunologist be of any use ? The recent issues will have not helped your general health. Hope it gets resolved quickly.
Hi Jacks!
Only "liked" your post to show support~
Did not like to learn of your ongoing struggles. There has got to be some intervention that can figure this out! I'm praying on that for you. It's been a long road for you, and I wish you some relief asap friend~
Take good care & keep us posted~

Thanks Cookie.
I am sorry to hear this Jack, I hope your GP is helpful.
I hope you can get the hospital to sort this out again
I’m so sorry to hear this… I’m sure you will be well looked after and I hope it gets sorted soon.
Stay safe,
Fran 😉
very sorry to hear of your ongoing problems with this infection,
hoping they will get this sorted once and for all.
Sending wishes for a good outcome.
Don't 'like' it at all. So sorry to hear this is flaring up again. Love, strength, health and medical excellence to you. 🙏
HI. Thanks, I have taken this week off work and am on annual leave in a fortnight. Fiancial constraints stopme fromgoing away so will just be relaxing with my cat. Best wishes.
I'm so sorry to read this, Jack, and how discouraging it must be for you. Hope this setback gets corrected soon.
Your cat will be delighted with the extra attention, though! Lots of purring in your future.