Hi everyone, after the meeting and discussions with my Doctor I had signed the consent form for the treatment to start. It’s going to be a year of combined drugs with Obinutuzumab for six months introducing Venetoclax at the third week into the treatment. I have been given information to read about the side effects and what to expect, I must say since last week My emotions are all over the place I am so anxious and concern what the side effects going to do to me , am I going to be able to cope with this monster I am really worried about it
Has anyone had this combination before just wanted to get all your input on this
My doctor said this is a treatment available on the NHS and i apparently am eligible for it , I am not sure why it’s not given to everyone .
The treatment will be starting on the 20th April I am trying to find out much as I can to be prepared when the day comes
Bless you all 🙏🙏🙏