I had a covid booster in Scarborough on Saturday, tried to explain that I had CLL and wanted it noted as a 3rd vaccine but they where not interested, showed them my letter that I was a CLL sufferer. How can I get it changed on my medical records to show a 3rd vaccine?
Booster or 3rd Jab: I had a covid booster in... - CLL Support
Booster or 3rd Jab

I saw my consultant in Scarborough on Monday. I explained the difficulties you and I had had with the boosters and getting it noted on my notes. She has agreed to write a letter to my GP and request this is done. Let you know how I get on. Have you been ok after the jab?
I got my third Moderna on last Friday and I asked if I could have a third full strength in place of the Booster and they said yes by simply saying I had cancer of any kind it was a done deal. I am very grateful!
Panz 🙏☘️💕🙂
I got mine a while ago they recorded it in my notes as NHS system has no facilities for this yet. I was told booster and 3rd does were the same thing. They were only differentiating on paper as we will get a 4th jab a booster 6 months later.Ann
Yes that's true but boosters for us need to be in 8 weeks not 6 months after 3rd dose otherwise no different from those who have had boosters
Thank you for that information I was not told booster should be 8 weeks after 3rd shot.Ann
My gp booked mine in at same time as my 3rd primary, so have a date in Dec. I cannot believe that there is so much confusion with all of us. NHS need to be clear on guidelines
Thank you for that information Suzie 42 I will contact my GP. I agree re the confusion, unbelievable!!Ann
Hopefully you gp may know about it
Hopefully. 🤞
Anne and Susie,
I asked my GP last week about whether I was registered as having third or booster vaccine. She said there is only one code so in a word no. She said hopefully in 6 months they will contact the same CEV group, but as so many of you had problems put a big ??? in your diaries.
Dear Suzie, Gosh I didn't know that the booster should be 8 weeks after the 3rd vaccine. Is there a link somewhere that tells us that so that I can let my GP know. My GP is not good on knowing these sorts of things!
Im afraid it was my gp who told me this and it makes sense. They must have got info from nhs. My husband had his booster the same time as my 3rd orimary as its exactly the same dose, just recorded differently, but was not invited like me for a booster 8 weeks later, im on haematology list
Thank you Suzie. I've searching on line for the 8 week booster information but can find it no where. Sadly, I know that my GP will not know about it, although I did manage to get Shingrix. I'll put a separate post on here in case anyone else knows where the 8 weeks is referenced. Eleanor
I think the 8 weeks comes between 2-3 as an ideal time lag I seem to remember ( but horse /stables springs to mind ). The last webinar I saw with Helen Parry she said the suggestion is for all CEV to have a booster 6 months after 3rd but that wasn’t definite.
I have definately had my 3rd primary and have booster in 8 weeks. Everybody will be getting another booster in 6 months so why have a 3rd primary now, you may as well have had the booster which is exactly the same dose. There must be some guidance out there somewhere
Read the CLL society October newsletter which explains the situation.
Doesn’t give guidance on time between third vaccine and booster however.
Thank you Newdawn adding a link is beyond me. The suggested 6 months is in the September newsletter and possibly on the original JCVI letter, but I will never find that again.
I’ve just posted the JCVI guidance on another post Colette and it isn’t specific on the recommended duration between the third vaccine and booster. It is 6 months for booster after second vaccination however.
Wish I could find where I read it and the only bit I can find on another letter is ‘ therefore further advice will be provided on a booster vaccination in due course for these individuals ‘. I also found the note I made during the Helen Parry webinar ‘ 6th month booster is pending further notice ‘ Off to lie down now !
The Pfizer booster and 3rd dose are the same but the Moderna booster is 50% of the amount of the 1st dose. Very interesting.
Thank you very interesting Astro617. Do you understand why?Ann
same position here, booster given on 1st nov. I didnt make much of a fuss as I reckon if a 4th is needed itll be given. Main thing is that you get a fresh shot to maximise the chance of protection into the winter.
I had an nhs antibody test after the 3rd which was negative so don't count on any protection
Yes I understand. Even though I had a result, 189 u/ml, I concluded I didn't know squat. Unfortunately CLL affects the very blood cells which generate the antibodies so need to factor that in as well. It is a minefield, I'm still careful.
Not I tending to get an antibody test again, after my recent booster.
Just did my NHS antibody test this morning--2 1/2 weeks after my 3rd vaccine. I hadn't read the instructions very carefully--which was not clever--so had lots of difficulty getting enough blood into the test tube. I used 3 lancets in the end. I hope I have done it correctly. If anyone else is going to do it--do read the instructions very carefully as they are well written. It is also good that they give you 3 lancets! Fingers crossed for antibodies. I had some after doing a Covidence test about 3 months ago--but it was blood on circles --not blood in a test tube. Does anyone know which is a better method?
I found it to be like milking a reluctant cow trying to squeeze copious amounts of blood out of finger pricks into a test tube! Not for the squeamish! 😉
That is so true!! Do you know which test is 'better'--the test tube one --or filling the 4 circles? I've only ever done the circles before--both for the Covidence test and for the Birmingham research --which I've still to do tomorrow, now that I'm 2-3 weeks past my 2nd vaccine.
I honestly don’t know how they compare in terms of accuracy but the circle one has to be more user friendly!
Thanks Newdawn. No question that it is more user friendly! But the instructions on how to get the blood flowing (when I finally read them properly) were much better on the NHS one. I usually have trouble getting enough blood on the circle one too. I'll use those methods tomorrow
The instructions to soak your hand in warm water, swing it above your head and then hold your hand below your heart worked for me.. The first time I did the circle tests for Birmingham I had a helluva job to get enough to stain them!
Had my booster yesterday- Pfizer - full dose but they said this was normal not an exception for me. Feel completely fine today whereas felt rough with my two AZ jabs so who knows? No consistency, it seems, in the information being given. Still, I don’t want four jabs. Didn’t even want this one after the first two so am just grateful no side effects - yet 😬

What did you have?
Pfizer or Moderna?