Had third vaccine August 22nd, been on ibrutinib for last 16 months. Tested yesterday for spike antibodies. Received negative result today. Well there it is, looks like no antibodies for me, at least while on ibrutinib.
Third Pfizer, No Detectable Spike Antibodies - CLL Support
Third Pfizer, No Detectable Spike Antibodies

What about giving the J&J a shot?
I got it after first two Pfizer had no response.
J&J gave detectable response. Then a couple months later I got another Pfizer. Just got results today and have more durable response.
Everyones body is different but maybe you would have some luck come your way.
Yeah maybe. Was thinking Moderna but, going to give it a rest for a while. More masking and distancing
I had my third Moderna five weeks ago and my antibody test yesterday.
I’m on ibrutinib for 2 years and was negative for antibodies after 2 shots.
I will post my results as soon as I get them.
Maybe 3 times is the charm?
My first two Moderna was negative and then third Moderna was positive 616.
The only thing I did different was taking my third with the flu shot. I am still wearing mask and safe distancing. They don't really know what all this means yet.
I heard there’s some new vaccine coming out in November that might give us better results.
I've had my 2 shots of Pfizer, but no idea about antibody produced. (More than likely none.) Not sure whether to have a 3rd dose if and when that is available here. I do wonder whether it's a good thing to repeatedly annoy the immune system with strange substances. I'm not aware that the research has validated this yet. Does anyone else know?
I am in the same boat.. I had Pfizer in February/March 2021. Tested for SARS-COV-2 antibodies in August: Negative.
Had the 3rd shot August 25 and will have my antibodies checked next Wednesday, but expect no response. Why? Because I have every reason to. Monthly IgG infusions. Very low IgA and no IgM detectable. On BTK inhibitors (Acalabrutinib) as well. All of these add up to a hard time in making antibodies.
There's always the T cell angle, but the more I read the data, that is just not clear right now. They are looking into it, but it will take time.
So, what does it mean? We keep on keeping on. I have just excepted the fact that I will basically live in a bubble until help arrives. I am working remotely.. My wife teaches, so there is that risk. But, she wears an N95 and surgical masks and is a clean freak. We have managed to stay away from all types of sickness (colds, flu's, viruses) for 7 years now. Even when she got sick, we would isolate and make sure to stay away from each other. Is that ideal? No. But it is what it is.
Hopefully, some of the long lasting antibody treatments they are working on will become a reality for us in a few months, that is the light at the end of the tunnel. This whole thing has been hard on everyone of us. I love to go and do things, just can't right now.
Each of us have a choice to make; do we risk it or not? I have known people like me that did and paid the price. I also know people like me that chose to "just do it" and got Covid, but survived. Again, what's it worth to you, individually?
But, in the end, I guess the question we all have is: Will this ever end, and will it ever be normal again?
Will it end, hmmm…will it ever be normal…it could be normal like the flu, in many years. A lot depends on what part of the world you live in. But we are all in this together, although that is difficult to tell. Take care.
No, let's be honest. We are not all in it together. Although we may be in this together, technically, to some we are expendable. Why? Because we have "comorbidities". We are "weak". I have even heard "natural selection".
A lot of people would never say that, but their actions speak much louder than their words.
This pandemic has really rattled my faith in humanity. Not my faith in Christ, but people in general. I have heard and witnessed the worst behavior imaginable in people because they were asked to wear a mask. or stay home and isolate because they are sick.
I have literally seen fist fights over mask. people spitting on people, coughing on them and laughing. My wife, just the other day, was in the store in two younger women laughed at her for wearing a mask and started walking around her coughing and calling her "sheeple". They have no idea who she is or what she lives with every day.
it’s truly sickening to watch.
Had 1st & 2nd Pfizer vaccine in Jan/Feb before starting BTK inhibitor. Been on ibrutinib for 5 months with good results from it, but many side effects. Had 3rd Pfizer5 weeks ago and tested with negative antibodies. Obviously will continue to observe precautions, but also "living my life". Best to all.
I am still on Venclexta and had my Moderna booster a month ago. Three days ago, I donated another blood sample to the LLS clinical antibody study to see if I develop antibodies after the booster shot, since my previous two jabs came back "no detectable antibodies", I am not very optimistic on the results. That same day I dropped by HEB grocery/pharmacy and was given a "senior" super flu shot. The next day I had a very sore arm and had chills that night. First time that has happened to me.
Thanks for sharing. Be careful out there!