Trying to lose a little weight. Wondering if anyone has done intermittent fasting, and what your thoughts on this may be.
Intermittent Fasting while on ibrutinib or oth... - CLL Support
Intermittent Fasting while on ibrutinib or other treatment

I haven't tried intermittent fasting but my yoga teacher has recommended so I would be interested in what others have to say. I have put on a lot of weight since starting ibrutinib in Jan, and I know it is silly and I am lucky that I am responding well to treatment, but this is the thing that has got me most down -certainly more than joint pain and other side effects but almost as much as diagnosis and covid restrictions. Think it is maybe because I feel it is something I should be able to do something about.

Hi there,
I put on a lot of weight with Ibrutinib and was overweight before that. Finally, on 18th January this year, I got up and decided to do something about it.
There are almost as many diets as there are people and I have probably tried most of them over the years. It's a case of whatever suits your lifestyle and metabolism. I had done a fair bit of research prior to this date and I decided on a low carb diet combined with intermittent fasting. I aim for less than 20g carbohydrate a day and fast between 18:00 hrs and 13:00 hours the next day and take a multivitamin and mineral to ensure I have everything I need.
It's been easier to do with the reduced social interactions and fewer opportunities to eat out with friends but to date I have lost 77 pounds and improved my metabolic health massively according to the usual blood tests. Just 30 more pounds to lose.
All I can say is that it works for me and the best aspect is that I never feel hungry. However, as always, discuss your plans with your doctor first.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
Well done, Jackie. That is a lot!I’ve lost 7lbs, but no one would choose my diet. Three teeth out and three big fillings in three days, not conducive to eating anything! The low carb/intermittent fasting seems to have a lot of scientific information behind it. Might get the other 7lbs off after treatment!
Go for it!
Thanks for the comments everyone. I’m only on day two. Try to eat health food, not to many calories between 11am and 7 pm. Will see how it goes.
Yes, I have been intermittent fasting for years. While taking Ibrutinib and Alacabrutinib. It is so easy to do. I eat my last meal between 4-6 pm, usually around 5. So 12 hours would be 6 pm to 6 am. I usually don't eat until 10 or 11. If I wait until 12 or salad for dinner I can lose a pound. I go for a morning walk and like to have something on my stomach so don't stretch it too much. I walk approximately 2 miles. I did not put on a lot of weight however could stand to lose some more.