Vaccine dose number one administered! Just wanted to let everyone know I received my first dose of Phizer vaccine on Saturday. My arm was a little sore at the site of the injection for about 24 hours. Other than soreness no additional symptoms. Will update you on my second shot as well. Hope this helps anyone with fear of getting the vaccine.
1st Phizer Dose: Vaccine dose number one... - CLL Support
1st Phizer Dose

When the next dose
Next dose is on 4/13. Taking the following day off work just in case I have issues. I have heard it kicks in at about 36 hrs. after the second dose.
Just had a friend (no cll) said she got a fever for a couple days after 5 days post jab. Other than that, she was good. I got my first one the same day you did and just a sore arm. My next is scheduled for 4/3. I'm a little more nervous about that one...but I'm doing what I can! Stay healthy!
YerrrI got my influenza jab 4 mths ago.
Fever, headache, fatigue a week. Happened the same year before.
AZ though, no reaction!
No "perceived" reaction is required for the vaccine to have its desired effect.
Afterall, our immune systems are on red alert every second of our lives. Keep us safe. We don't feel that.
Remember many get silent Covid infected, get immune, and never know.
As CLLers we are safer vaccinated than not. If after vaccination we encounter SARSCoV2, how would we know!?, our immunity from vaccine (we hope) will do its thing and we'll never know.
It's the best plan we have just now.
PS I've just been gardening, running the gauntlet with Aspergillus. I am told the risk is low.
Happy I got the Phizer dose! I was nervous they would issue the J&J single dose which I heard would provide lower efficacy to our immune compromised bodies. I have never missed a day of work through the whole process and have had several outbreaks in my Building I work at. Luckily we have strict rules and regulations about wearing masks and hand sanitizers everywhere. Keeping safe and isolated as best as possible.I can see a light at the end of the tunnel!
Same here about Pfizer. Sounds like we live in the same neighborhood I have been lucky enough to work remotely since April, I think. Havent missed a day, no colds, which has been nice, since I'm not around co workers. In fact I work more now since less distractions! My office has been diligent about providing sanitizer and you have to wear a mask if anyone is near you or just walking around but we've had people catch it because they're not as careful at home and then they bring it in. I feel better about our numbers lowering (Florida) but I hear about other countries getting 2nd and 3rd waves. Our govenor has opened all sorts of stuff up and sport venues are opening, so I'm staying vigilant!
Please don’t get me started on Florida and Texas. It just burns me up seeing the Spring Breakers creating their Super Spreader Events. Truthfully at that I age I was as dumb as them so I probably would have been right there with the YOLO attitude. Age and wisdom go hand and hand!
It'll be interesting to see what happens. I waited for the superbowl to spike our numbers here, but it never came...2 wks after Christmas and Thanksgiving our numbers were outrageous, but superbowl did virtually nothing....and we're dropping still....but I'm not letting my guard down.
Look at the statics before you criticize. Our numbers (Florida) are better than most States that have done hard lock downs.
I guess all I have to go by is the news I watch. From what I have seen you have a Governor who tried to skew the statistics and confiscate a computer from the former statistician who calculated those results. She was reporting correctly and it did not equate to good PR for the tourist industry/ dollar which Florida needs to survive.