I have COVID-19 and looking for advice - CLL Support

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I have COVID-19 and looking for advice

9876 profile image
48 Replies

Hello , I am a long time member but tend to be a lurker, after being so careful I have contracted covid and feeling really ill , the only place I have been was Sainsbury’s on the 27th but I had mask and gloves on , started feeling ill on the 30 th and had test which confirmed it on 1st jan,my daughter and her partner have now got it but my husband hasn’t, the problem is I am not feeling any better and the cough is getting worse,I have a oximeter and it is showing spo %of 85 ; I do tknowif this is worrisome,should I be asking for any medical intervention at this stage or see if it gets worse , does anyone know if my gp could prescribe antibiotics or anti virals; I am in north London where the virus is rife and the hospital are full ,i dont know what’s best , wait it out and hope it doesn’t get worse or contact someone, I have untreated cll and my white blood count is about 60 with lymph count is is just over40 so low numbers ,I have no energy and get breathless if I have to do anything many thanks

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9876 profile image
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48 Replies
9876 profile image

anyone from this supportive group that could answer ☹️

wroxham-gb profile image

I wouldn't leave this. Get in touch with your gp or 111 asap. I have read that they do prescribe antibiotics initially.For your sake please ring and find out.

It is what I would do.

Hope everything sorts for you and you soon feel better.


Please let us know how you get on.

9876 profile image
9876 in reply to wroxham-gb

Thank you for answering; will try and phone my doctor

mrsjsmith profile image
mrsjsmith in reply to 9876

Also call 111 ASAP. I believe that BellaBee was prescribed antibiotics.

There is a link here to a trial of antibodies called Storm Chaser at UCLH do look it up and see if you can get on it.Good luck


BellaBee10 profile image

You should call 111. Hopefully you'll get through to a Covid doctor quickly. Your oxygen levels are very low.

pkguk2 profile image
pkguk2PartnerCLL Support Association

Please don't hesitate, call 111 straight away. I assume you have been tested positive for Covid-19 and you should make this clear when you call them. Please also tell them about your oxygen level and keep taking it regularly, so that you can see any trend. You must also make it clear to 111 that you have leukaemia and that your immune system is compromised.You can survive this, but you may need medical intervention, so best to start the ball rolling now.

Hoping you recover soon.

Newdawn profile image

Sorry I didn’t see your post straight away as I’ve been for blood tests this morning. Absolutely agree with the others. Advise your Consultant too but the essential thing is to address your low oxygen levels immediately.

Sending you huge best wishes and please keep us updated when you can.


fapumpkin profile image

Please ring your consultant/haematology department and update them about your positive test and oxygen levels.Please reach out to the community for support as there are many who have got through covid and many who can offer you kind words of support.

Try sleeping on your front to help with your cough.

Hoping you can get comfortable and that you can get all the support and strength you need.

9876 profile image

Thank you all , couldn’t get through to gp, I am now waiting for 111 to phone me back , cannot believe I feel so ill 😷

GMa27 profile image

Glad ur calling because 85 oxygen is dangerously low. In the USA if ur oxygen is below 94 - they immediately get you to a hospital. 🙏💕

Mystic75 profile image

9876,Please keep us updated - have you in my thoughts and prayers.


sllincolorado profile image

I hope you have now been seen by a doctor. Based on my own experience at that oxygen rate you are not getting enough oxygen and for me that meant I was not thinking clearly.

Not sure what the situation is in UK regarding monoclonal antibodies and covid. If it was me (I am in the US), I would ask for bamlanivimab asap. I have already discussed with my hemtalolgist/oncologist. Sending you healing thoughts.

There might be other similar drugs that are available to you. I would check with your CLL doc before starting it.

Info about BAM:

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with COVID-19, you may have a new treatment option: bamlanivimab (bam-la-NIV-i-mab). The research so far shows that for certain people, taking this drug may help limit the amount of virus in the body. This may help their symptoms improve sooner — and they may be less likely to need to go to the hospital. But bamlanivimab is a new drug that’s still being studied, so there’s a lot that scientists don’t know about the benefits and risks.

9876 profile image

111 doctor has just now phoned and they are sending a ambulance to check me and possibly send me to hospital, thank you for all your replies

HailMary-USA profile image
HailMary-USA in reply to 9876

Sending my best wishes for optimal treatment, improving symptoms, and quick recovery. Mary.

wroxham-gb profile image
wroxham-gb in reply to 9876

Pleased to hear this, hopefully now you'll get sorted and some treatment as needed.Thanks for update,


Justasheet1 profile image
Justasheet1 in reply to 9876

As it’s been 23 hours since your last post, I will assume that you are being cared for by the skilled staff at the hospital.

Prayers coming your way for a speedy recovery.


SofiaDeo profile image

Please keep us updated on how you are doing, and for any moral support we can offer. I can't imagine how I would be feeling right now in your shoes.

Newdawn profile image

Thinking of you 9876 and hoping your receive good and swift treatment.

Best wishes,


Poodle2 profile image

Thinking of you too❤❤❤❤❤

Ghounds profile image

Praying for you.

Prayers for the best treatment available 🙏

Dawn-Marie profile image

Yes 85% is to low! You need to be checked out in ER

PaulaS profile image

So glad they sent medics to check you out, 9876 . We look forward to hearing an update.

Thinking of you,


aloneifly profile image

Don't forget about the MacMillan nurses help line too.

0808 8080000


Vakraas profile image

Fingers, toes, and any other crossable extremities all firmly crossed for you, 9876. Like everyone else posting, here's firmly hoping for an eventual update featuring some good news.

Sojomama13 profile image

Please get in touch with your Doctor . Perhaps they will prescribe therapeutics to help you get through this. Praying for the best possible outcome. Sandy

blowinginthewind profile image

You need to get medical treatment immediately if your sats are so low. They should ideally be about 98%; below 95% you would be given oxygen if you were in hospital. Have u tested positive for covid? Or do you just know it is from symptoms? I know things are bad in North London, and I know that you probably don't want to go to a hospital. But please at least contact GP. In the meantime, stand up if you can, or if not sit upright and take some very deep breaths and see if that raises your sats a bit, and do keep up posted. Big cyber hug, Liz xxx

Nettiehudson profile image

Sending prayers for a quick recovery~❣️🙏🏻

Lenny123 profile image

Yes! Please, please, please, contact your Onclologist, primary care, anyone who can arrange for you to have a monoclonal antibody infusion. This may need a short hospital admission. Do not delay, it is effective in reducing disease severity, but only if given early. since your Oxygenation is affected you need to proceed quickly.

These include:


This is the "cocktail" which likely allowed president Trump and his lawyer to be home within days after serious covid.

This is approved for use in exactly cases such as yours.

Truly Pray you can.

Fran57 profile image

Please seek medical advice. I’m sure you’ll be fine, but it’s best to be safe.Please let us know how you get on.


KMac1969 profile image

Definitely see your doctor.. Falling oxygen levels is not a good thing.. Prayers for your recovery.

5454 profile image

Prayers for you and a speedy recovery 🙏

bulldozer4264 profile image

Any spo below 90% means your lungs are under attack. Go to the hospital immediately and get on supplemental oxygen.

GMa27 profile image

Update? 🙏

Big_Dee profile image

Hello 9876

Get thee to a doctor. Blessings.

Italianpainter profile image

You need to be in a hospital on oxygen. I also have CLL and despite taking all precautions on ostracized Covid 19 just before Thanksgiving. Started with a cough and felt kind of crappy, no energy. After 9 or 10 days, I started having serious breathing problems. I could not eat at oxygen oxygen d my husband caught me as I fell into the wall. My oncologist called me and told me I needed to be in the hospital. In the ER at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, I was put on 15 liters of oxygen and began to feel better. I was in for a total of 18 days which included rehab until a bacterial pneumonia put me back in the hospital on massive does of IV antibiotics. I'm home now but still need low dose oxygen at 3 liters and lots of mess including a 5 day course of antibiotics in tablet form.What I didn't explain is that at the beginning, covid gave me a viral pneumonia which seemed to resolve. But it swelling it caused in my lungs which was treated with dexamethisone, was causing further damage and the friction that the swelling was causing allowed bacteria from my own body to get into my lungs and cause a global both lungs bacterial pneumonia that made me very, very sick. I was going into heart failure. At that point I was given IV antibiotics and everything began to turn around. My blue/purple fingers and toes began to pink up and I was able to resume rehab.

I am a nurse with 50 plus years experience but not with anything like Covid. What you choose to do is up to you. But I was in serious trouble and almost bought the farm. At the very least you should let your doctor see you and preferably see a pulmonologist. I feel pretty certain they would recommend you go to a hospital ASAP!

alexmcg48 profile image

I agree with others, ring 111.

I had something back in March which could well have been Covid & after pressure from my family I rang 111. They got a specialist GP to ring me about an hour later & she went through I number of things with me including a test done over the phone that allowed her to assess my oxygen levels.

The result of the test was that I wasn't serious enough for hospital yet, to isolate & ring back should my breathing get worse. Thankfully a week or so later my symptoms started to ease & I never got to the stage where I felt the need to ring 111 again.

9876 profile image

Thanks for all good wishes , I am in hospital on a covid ward , my stats were 63 on arrival and I wasn’t in a good state , I am on a high pressure oxygen were they are maintaining about 93 , the doctor said my lungs are quite bad and I have quite a fight on my hands going forward, they are talking about going on a ventilator if need be , I am on lots of drugs but don’t know what they are , will try and update when I can x

BellaBee10 profile image
BellaBee10 in reply to 9876

Thank you for the update. I'm so sorry you're having such an awful time. I'm so pleased you're in safe hands now. You must have felt dreadful at home. X

Newdawn profile image
NewdawnAdministrator in reply to 9876

So sorry to hear this 9876 and like the rest of the community, I’m with you in thoughts and best wishes for a strong recovery.


Justasheet1 profile image
Justasheet1 in reply to 9876


PaulaS profile image
PaulaSVolunteer in reply to 9876

Thanks for the update, 9876. You'll have seen that many folk here were worried about you. It's a relief to know that you're now getting proper medical attention and not still at home worrying what to do.

I realise you've still got a fight on your hands though...

Thinking of you,

Wishing you all the best,


irishrose61 profile image
irishrose61 in reply to 9876

Praying for you but am relieved you are receiving the care you need! Sending only good thoughts and best wishes your way.

Poodle2 profile image

I'm so sorry to hear how unwell you are but you are in the right place now, they will take great care of you. Stay strong and focus on getting better. Keeping you in my prayers ❤❤❤

wroxham-gb profile image

Good to hear you are in safe hands now 9876. We are all behind you hoping to hear that you soon feel better,My best wishes.


Justasheet1 profile image

Sending you virtual strength.

Justasheet1 profile image


Just checking in and hoping you are doing better.


Yuck profile image

We await some positive news!

Everyone is pulling for you, 9876.

Your post probably helped others. It was definitely time to get to the hospital given your low 0xygen levels as others advised. It is good to own an oximeter (if you can find one) to watch Oxygen levels when well.

Looking forward to hearing you are steadily recovering from Covid.



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