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lymph nodes and ear ache

DMary profile image
31 Replies

Hello everyone. I haven't posted in a while But I need the wisdom of your experience. Here's my question: have you had ear aches caused by swollen lymph nodes without having an infection?

Here's my story: I'm still in a clinical trial and pretty closely monitored. My immunoglobulins are low and falling, but not dramatically low as of 5 months ago. IgG 410, IgA28, IgM13. All other blood work is normal as of 2 months ago, and 2 MRD tests have come back negative. I get CT scans every 6 months which show slightly enlarges lymphs in my abdomen. Those haven't changed in 2 years, and scans are due again next month as well.

About 4 weeks ago I got an earache and sore throat on my right side, chills, and then a cough and sinus congestion which started to clear in a few days. I did a happy dance for getting through it without antibiotics, and then it roared back with the addition of an eye infection. My primary care doc couldn't see me and the clinic isn't allowing in-person visits to anyone with a cough so I had a tele-visit with another doc in the same system. He prescribed a Z Pack (something my PC doc has avoided since she thinks I need to save the heavy hitters for the long haul) and it started to clear by the end of the treatment and then cleared completely.

Yesterday the sore throat and ear ache (right side again) returned. Both times I've had a very painful, swollen lymph node under my jaw, directly below my ear. No eye infection so far, and no chills, congestion or cough. I just feel crummy and ache.

I'm wondering 2 things: have you has any experience with low but not critically low IgG, or had painful jaw lymph nodes that cause ear and throat pain?

Also, anybody else get chills without a fever with infections? Just curious.

Thanks for any insight!


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DMary profile image
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31 Replies
cllady01 profile image
cllady01Former Volunteer

DMary, could your sore throat be caused by tonsils? There are three kinds of tonsils,

Adenoid, Parotid and lingual. They are immune fighting tissue.

Is it possible for you to see an Ear Nose Throat Dr. for a thorough exam? If you cannot get an appointment to be seen and examined, I'd consider going to Emergency.

Fevers with chills are symptoms of infection that needs to be tended to. As many have said, Sepsis is the danger to us. From your description, you need to be seen and if the only way is emergency, please go, the sooner the better.

DMary profile image
DMary in reply to cllady01

Thanks for the reply and concern , I can always count on a response from this lovely place. I didnt have a fever, just chills. If the chills return, or I get a fever I'll arrange a consult. Right now it's just a very painful ear and jaw creeping down the right side of my throat. Very peculiar.

I've read the posts that say folks have had sore throats with swollen lymph nodes, but dont find anything about ear pain.

If I dont need urgent care over the weekend Ill try to get a referral to an ent on monday.

Thanks again for your reply. PS I dont have tonsils unless they didnt remove all three kinds when I was a kid.

cllady01 profile image
cllady01Former Volunteer in reply to DMary

Actually the one I related as Parotid, is Palantine, and I do not know about what the childhood tonsillectomy includes, but am now curious. can't find definitive answer, but it appears there are later Lingual tonsil removals, so...

but the urgency is that you do evidently have a recurring infection.

MsLockYourPosts profile image
MsLockYourPostsPassed Volunteer in reply to DMary

They wouldn’t remove all three types of tonsils when you had surgery, and the ones they do remove can actually grow back. I wasn’t thrilled to hear that after my surgery in my 20s! and I don’t think that it’s common.

Are you going by your personal normal when you check for a fever? Mine is 97.6 and 98.6 I can have symptoms of a fever. 99.0 usually means that I have an infection.

DMary profile image
DMary in reply to MsLockYourPosts

That's a tricky one. My normal is 97.9 to 98.2. The last few infections I was getting chills with a low temp, which I still dont understand.

ClassyLady3 profile image
ClassyLady3 in reply to DMary

I seem to have ongoing r ear pain without ear infection and my lymph nodes on the right are swollen chronically. Every time I am checked out, there is no ear infection

DMary profile image
DMary in reply to ClassyLady3

Have you seen BellaBee10's post today? There is a discussion about chronic reflux that might be helpful.

ChristmasJoy profile image
ChristmasJoy in reply to ClassyLady3

For all of you that are experiencing ear pain with no ear infection, be sure to see an ENT. I had the same problem for about 6 months, saw an ENT and he couldn't find a cause. I went for a second opinion to another ENT and it turns out I had cancer of the larnyx.

DMary profile image
DMary in reply to ChristmasJoy

Thank you for this important info. I doubt many will see it since the comment is on an old post. Welcome to the site and you might consider repeating this in a new post when you start posting.Best regards, DMary

Big_Dee profile image
Big_Dee in reply to cllady01

Hello cllady01

That was interesting, I had my tonsils taken out when 5 years old as common procedure. My brother had a bout of whooping cough. Year or so later, I had my adenoid taken out. Doctors thought removal of adenoid might help my hearing which was largely destroyed by measles when I was 4 years old. It did not help my hearing, but I did not get most of the childhood illnesses other than measles. Get those measles shots. Blessings.

AussieNeil profile image

DMary, it could be that ear and throat pain are indicating an infection, which is causing your painful jaw lymph nodes. I suspect you will need a culture taken to determine the cause of the recurring infection, so more targeted (presumably antibiotics) can be prescribed. Hence I agree with cllady01 that you need to be seen in person. Fevers with chills need to be seen to urgently.


DMary profile image
DMary in reply to AussieNeil

Yeah, hard to get a culture anywhere but the er these days because if covid concerns. I'll definitely take that route if the eye infection or fever return.

Thank you!

blowinginthewind profile image

Hi DMary, A slightly different experience but could be relevant. I have a spinal nerve injury after an accident, and the nerve is one which links to facial are. I get earache, and sore throat - which only hurts on the affected side - or sometimes very little feeling in my throat. Sometimes one nostril runny and grotty and the other one isn't. So yes, things happening in the neck can affect areas you are talking about. SO perhaps a lymph node could be pressing on something close to your spinal nerves. However - this doesn't mean you don't need to see your doctor. I hope they can sort it out, these are horrible symptoms to have.

DMary profile image
DMary in reply to blowinginthewind

Thanks. I'm amazed at how many things this could be. I'm going to try to get an in person appt with my primary care doc.

blowinginthewind profile image
blowinginthewind in reply to DMary

I think is probably a good idea. The other problem I have with the nerve damage is that the ear on the affected side cannot distinguish sound volume, and I hear everything very loudly - really irritating that is,. Take care, keep safe, and I hope your Primary Care doctor can help you xx

Wen_dy profile image

Hello Everyone, this is my first post and wanted to respond to DMary and to seek advice from this invaluable forum. I was diagnosed 18 months ago and have been on Watch&Wait with 3 then 6 monthly appointments.

The last 6-9 months I have been suffering with blocked nose, earache, sore throat and enlarged lymph node in my neck, three weeks ago I developed a stye on my right eyelid for the first time, although it has now gone there is still redness which makes me feel like the sore throat, blocked nose and earache could return on a regular basis.

I read in one of the replies the concern around sepsis, I have had only very low grade temperatures and wanted advice as to what stage should I seek medical advice/intervention , I seem to have accepted the ENT symptoms but since getting the eye infection (stye) and reading the thread on how others have suffered with this too I wanted to seek further information to (hopefully) prevent a sudden ‘crash’ in symptoms namely developing sepsis. All responses would be much appreciated.

DMary profile image
DMary in reply to Wen_dy

Hi Wendy. That sounds miserable and I hope you find answers. I'm so glad you found this site and made the decision to reach out. My guess is that you'll get a much warmer welcome and more responses if you make this a seperate post though. Comments aren't as widely read as posts. Best wishes.

kohsamui0 profile image

hi yes i have swollen lymph nodes in my neck and have ear pain on and off, going into clinical trial next week acalabrutinib, its the cll causing the nodes not an infection im sure, because i had anitibiotics and my inflammation number is 0.

DMary profile image
DMary in reply to kohsamui0

Best wishes for your clinical trial experiences, and thanks for 5he reply.

Emerfly profile image

Hi DMary , yes I have had bad jaw pain and earache (I’m on W&W ) . No fever but fierce exhaustion ! . My doc sent me to ENT specialist , I’ve been scoped and had a throat scan . Nothing sinister to report , happily . Small painful nodes .? 🤷‍♀️ The pain is intermittent and migrating. There are not always answers I find . Hope the pain eases ...mine does . All the best . Emer

BellaBee10 profile image

Hi DMary. I had symptoms like that and it turned out to be silent reflux, LPR. This can be triggered by other gastric trouble caused by low IGa in particular. A bit of a wild card I know but it took me ages to get this diagnosis. Hope you feel better soon. X

DMary profile image
DMary in reply to BellaBee10

Thank you BellaBee. This does feel like a puzzle and that may be another piece of it.

Motoli profile image

Have you considered salivary stones in the submandibular or parotid glands? They produce jaw and ear pain, sometimes inflammation of nodes and areas of firmness. A CT scan is needed for precise diagnosis. Good luck!


DMary profile image
DMary in reply to Motoli

That's very helpful, thanks. Never heard of that!

PhotonPal profile image

DMary, I recently has my first obinutuzumab infusion and had bouts of shakes and fever following it, sometimes together but also sometimes just the shakes. Don't know if that was signifying infection, or just an infusion reaction.


Lily_Pad_Master profile image

Hi Mary,

You’ve gotten a lot of great suggestions here for a set of issues I’ve faced, as well, although similar symptoms can come from different causes. One suggestion I’m not sure I’ve read is dental. Have you had root canals, particularly on your uppers? Post root canal, even permanently thereafter, there can be micro-channels from the inside of your mouth, up through the gum line, directly into the sinuses. A visit to your dentist for a checkup, inclusive of a set of bitewing X-rays might not be a bad idea. In my case, coordination between my ENT, dentist, and CLL specialist was critical for breaking a four-month long bought with something that sounds similar to what you are going through.

Keepkicking profile image

I'll toss in my two cents. Is a Z-pack sufficient for a cll patient, duration-wise? I recall reading on this site that we may require longer durations of antibiotics to achieve comparable results. I don't have any references to back this but it might be worth considering.

DMary profile image
DMary in reply to Keepkicking

Nope, it wasn't. Just got that word and a new prescription today, Thanks for the heads up.

Hectanooga profile image

I was interested to see you post. I had exactly the same thing pre diagnosis. I started to experience ear pain that seemed to wax and wane for about 6 months before being diagnosed. I assumed it was an ear infection so eventually went to emergency to be sent home with antibiotics for an ear infection.

The pain continued even on antibiotics and became a chronic painful ear canal and surrounding area. I attended emergency several times and came home with the same diagnosis and treatment. The antibiotics had little to no effect. At one point my ear was so bad it actually swelled shut.

I was convinced at this point it was not an ear infection but could not get any doctor to agree.

Simultaneously my gp, sent me for a routine cbc, which upon a smear test, resulted in testing and diagnosis of CLL.

In hindsight, the nodes in my neck were visibly thick on the same side as my affected ear but at the time I knew nothing about the lymp system. I had gained weight so assumed the full face and neck area was a result of recent fluid retention.

Long story short, after a battery of tests I was diagnosed with stage 3 CLL with tp53 deletion and unmutated which put me in a category for Ibrutinib treatment.

After 2_weeks the nodes returned to almost normal and the troubles with my ear disipated.

My non-medical opinion is there was a direct correlation.

I still experience a dodgy ear from time to time which I know is directly related to my nodes in that area.

Thank you for sharing your ear experience. It is so important for us to share on this forum. It validates my experience. My intuition told me something was up, that it was not an ear infection and I was not losing my mind. Lol

I’m wondering if anyone has diagnosed with allergies. Never had issues with nodes. First year with shots , I received a new serum and broke out with severe hives and swollen nodes. That was two months ago. I’m taking Sudafed as of yesterday from doc he found ears had fluid. I was on antibiotics/ prednisone for ten days. The past month, Prednisone helped a little.

Just wondering if anyone had this experience and if it goes away. I’m not getting allergy shots since the bad experience. They don’t care anyway. They just want money.

bayside64 profile image

I have enlarged lymph nodes in the neck area. The pain you are describing I also have had. There are 2 nerves in the area: trigeminal neuralgia and glassopharangeal neuralgia. The medication for this is pretty toxic for me so I just wait it out. Eventually it goes away until it comes back again. It’s nerves 5 or 9.

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