I have one last day before starting FCR. The to do list includes a coastal bike ride, a conquer of a hill and the making of a large Sherry trifle plus a full English.* How did you spend that last ‘normal’ day? *Plans subject to change 😊😊(slight 😥 eek)
Final treatment free day : I have one last day... - CLL Support
Final treatment free day

Good luck,
I have to say a good sherry trifle ( heavy on the Sherry ) would be the only one on my to do list. A pot of Seville marmalade was on mine before Ibrutinib.
Sounds like a good plan! Very best wishes for an uneventful treatment and long remission.
Going to be boring as I didn’t celebrate my last day before FCR. Just a normal day. Didn’t see the treatment as a threat to normal activity.
Yes, totally boring. I couldn’t have done a coastal bike ride anyway as my HGB was below 10 which made me breathless.
So, sherry trifle as alcohol is best to avoid during FCR treatment or at least the first 2 weeks of each cycle.
I’m not so boring now!
Best wishes.

Thanks devonrr, That’s the right attitude to have I think. I’ve been v well bar a bit of fatigue until today so it’s just the trepidation at what’s to come over the next few weeks and months. From reading this forum am sure it will be just fine 😊
First cycle is a learning curve as all is new. Be positive you can do it. FCR for many has fantastic results.
Enjoy your preFCR bash...and hope that all goes well and that you’ll be celebrating the end of treatment and the beginning of good health !
Feel well!!

Hope it goes well and smoothly HarryMet
Good wishes forward!
I hung out with all of my beloved family
Hi Harry
I take it that was a full English +breakfast+ ? Egg, bacon, sausage, baked beans and something else I've forgotten as it's such a long time since I had one. Probably when my English husband was still alive. 😊
It depends on what part of the country you are in. Black pudding, tomatoes, mushrooms, hash browns and fried bread ! Luckily the sort of thing I would only eat in a hotel ( pre covid ).
One of my favourite programmes on afternoon tv is a programme called ‘ 4 in a bed ‘ and 4 different B&B owners stay in each other’s places and reviewing the breakfast is a very important part of the stay.
Best of luck with your treatment. I hope it goes smoothly for you and you have a super long remission!
I started FCR in Jan 2020. My wife and I had a wonderful steak dinner with wine at an upscale restaurant.
I did not do anything special the day before treatment started is April 2018, but I was able to go cycling for 20 to 35 kilometre rides until the 5th cycle, after which I no longer had the energy to do so. FCR seems to be incapacitating for some people while others seem to have little fatigue. I was somewhere in the middle. Best of luck with your treatment.
You may be (pleasantly) surprised at how well you do. I actually trained for a half marathon during treatment and ran it about 3 weeks after my last treatment.
I was also boring. Lol honestly, I was far too anxious to do anything at all the day before my first FCR treatment.
I'll celebrate after my last treatment. Next week I'll have round 3 and be halfway there! Honestly, I feel fantastic. I have a couple days off feeling like garbage, then I feel better than I have in years. The CLL fatigue was kicking my arse before treatment, now I actually sori better, I have more energy during the day, I'm up much earlier, I just feel more human again.
Praying that you have a similar outcome!