Platelets 287 hemoglobin 14.7 WBC 4.9 will these improve when infusions end or does Venclexta usually lower them more? I know some of you know what to look for. I sure don't. They haven't been checking my IGG, IGM and IGA last one all were normal except IGA and it was slowly rising. Also Monocytes have been up and down some.
Final blood counts before final infusion of Ga... - CLL Support
Final blood counts before final infusion of Gazyva. O &V treatment

That's looking very good!
I'd be very surprised if you'll have any concerns about your platelets or haemoglobin; they are well withing their respective reference ranges. While all CLL treatments can be knock down your neutrophil count, Venetoclax can be particularly tough, though again, yours are reasonably safe. It's still wise to keep any eye on them, because they are your first line of defence against infections.
Your lymphocyte count will probably drop a bit lower - it depends on how many B cells remain in your blood. Your WBC will move around as the totals of your neutrophils, lymphocytes, etc change. Watch those and you can safely ignore your WBC.
Great counts and great that you are half way through! ❤️
MorningI would be quite pleased with your numbers before starting venetoclax! I agree with Neil, you appear to have a good margin of safety. With Absolute Neutrophil Count and Platelets!
How are you feeling?