My husband has been on Ibrutinib and venetoclax for several months and he is now starting to have problems with bloodshot eyes. Has anyone else had a problem like this?
Bloodshot eyes with Ibrutinib and venetoclax. - CLL Support
Bloodshot eyes with Ibrutinib and venetoclax.

I am on the Clarity trial (Ibrutinib and Venetoclax for relapsed/refractory CLLers). I was taking Ibrutinib from Feb 2017 until June 2018 and Venetoclax from April 2017 until June 2018.
I did not suffer from bloodshot eyes during the period of taking I+V, in addition I’ve not suffered from it since stopping.
I do not remember bloodshot eyes being mentioned in all the literature I had but can check if you wish?
best for 2020, rob

It would be wise to call your CLL Dr. in regard to your concern. If the CLL Dr. can get your husband a referral to an Opthomalogist for a check up sooner than you can get in for an appointment, ask them to do that.
There is a need to keep a close watch for any possible bleeding/seepage when on Ibrutinib.
Since you don't mention any other symptoms, the bloodshot eyes may not be related at all. But, the best way to allay any doubt is to get it checked out. (rhyming unintended).
Best wishes for getting it sorted, and please let us know how it goes.
We just realized that Ibrutinib has a blood thinning effect and our consumption of flaxseed milk was also thinning his blood. Oops, we'll go back to a nut milk.
Hello . I've just read this post - searching to see if anyone reported bloodshot eyes. I realise its an old post now. My husband is on acalabrutinib and his eyes have been bloodshot for a couple of days. Did your husband's eyes improve of their own accord or did he have any treatment?