Hi I would like to thank everyone for their tips for travel insurance companies. I eventually got a policy with INSURE WITH who have given me a policy for CLL ASTHMA AND CHOLESTEROL to America for the price of £200 this is in my eyes truly outstanding I was told by many companies the couldn’t insure me or the cost was£2800.The person who started this company suffered from cancer couldn’t get cover so started her own company what a lovely thing to do
Travel insurance results : Hi I would like to... - CLL Support
Travel insurance results

Good to hear Yidarmy! I see this company are featured third on the list I posted so I’m glad they could help.
Happy and safe travels!
Great tip, thanks 😊
Thanks for this
Could you say if the company you got good cover with has the url: insurancewith.com. I don't see an insurewith.??????
It’s the one I used for Crete & Spain. I know there is a price hike once you start chemo or other newer immunotherapy drugs - at the time I was on watch & wait. Need to get to my brother’s wedding in Ibiza Sept 2020 🤞🏻for a low premium.
Age is a big factor, I am over 70, at the moment I use Boots or World First but haven't tried to get insurance for USA.
Hi there,
Hope you’re doing well and glad you’re still getting away on your travels! 😊
I Newdawn,
I went 4 cruises this year but don't think I will travelling much in 2020, I have appointment with haematologist on 31st December, and expect him to tell me I will be starting Ibrutinib in the New Year. Am having a quiet Christmas on my own, family are either away or working. Was hoping to have a longer remission I finished R Chop in April 2018.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a good New Year.
I wondered how you were after your RCHOP therapy Olive. You did well to get over that and manage 4 cruises! 😉
Hope you have a pleasant Christmas but sorry you’ll be alone. Keep in touch and let us know how your New Year’s Eve consult goes (what a day to have that!).
Best wishes,
Glad you got it sorted Yidarmy, have a good trip, God bless, Terry
We shopped around all the usual companies without success and then found All Clear, albeit a little expensive but they were happy to cover both my CLL and my husband's blood pressure. We were given an annual worldwide policy which covers USA and cruises in addition to the usual Europe and UK. The guy we spoke to was very knowledgeable and helpful, we found them from the McMillan traveling with cancer booklet. Off the top of my head, I think the policy was about £1200, this sounds a lot but a single trip to Portugal was quoted at £800.
I'm so glad you got it sorted. It is a real worry, travel insurance at times. Hope you have a great time in America.
This is the company I have used for the last two years for an annual policy including USA for about £350. You've done well!!