I don't post about celebrities as a rule - they get more than enough media attention, but this article from Medpage Today caught my attention because of the classic symptoms of a sepsis infection on top of pneumonia:
'...her primary doctor, Rodriguez, who told the audience that when he spoke to her: "I could barely understand Whoopi. Her teeth were chattering, she was gasping for air." When she told him all she wanted to do is lay down and go to sleep, he became even more concerned. "I tried not to sound scared ... I was afraid she wasn't going to wake up because you don't know if someone, when they give you those clues ― is she really now just tired or is she going to become unconscious and this is it?"
He arranged for an ambulance to take Goldberg to the hospital where she met Greenberg
"When I first met Whoopi, she was in a bad way. She had a high fever, she was short of breath, very rapid heart rate, and a low oxygen level, which is not a good sign."
Goldberg was diagnosed with pneumonia and sepsis.'
Here's our pinned post on vaccinations:
Get up to date with your non-live vaccinations NOW! We are at greater risk of sepsis, particularly if we have neutropenia. Pneumonia is a significant killer in CLL and can follow on from a flu (or cold) infection. Prompt access to IV antibiotics is necessary to save your life in these circumstances. ER/A&E treat apparent sepsis/febrile neutropenia cases with the same urgency as heart attacks - time to IV antibiotics counts.
(This is an unlocked post)