Hi all.....I just rolled back the segment on The Doctors T.V. Show about the 67 year old woman in the U.K who stopped treatment after 5 years and she did start consuming Tumeric (8 grams/day) and achieved complete remission and is doing well.
Update on the woman in the U.K. who is in remi... - CLL Support
Update on the woman in the U.K. who is in remission from blood cancer by using Tumeric

Is the remission because of the five years of treatment, the turmeric, or some combination of the two. The problem with shows like The Doctors is that the information is often incomplete, but gives the impression that a particular approach is "the answer", when, in fact, it is often just part of the puzzle.

More information would be appreciated for those who haven't seen this episode. What was the treatment, how long did it last and how long has she been in remission? Did the remission follow after she started on turmeric or after her initial treatment? If she was treated with FCR, we know about 30% see no further progression of their CLL if they make it to about the 7 year mark. We also know that turmeric has been shown to induce apoptosis in CLL cells in a test tube, but whether that is achievable when we take it (given the challenges of reaching sufficiently high enough blood serum levels), awaits a proper clinical study (which may never happen). Frustratingly tantalizing information which may mean nothing, given the ~1% spontaneous remission rate with CLL.
The lead doctor on the show was not advocating that people with blood cancers should stop treatment and start taking 8 grams of tumeric daily but rather said there are some unknowns and further research/investigation would be beneficial. They were just reporting what was given to them and if people wanted to add tumeric a in their diet for it's anti-inflammatory anticancer properties it wouldn't hurt. Maybe Google might provide a link to the woman's claims?

Myeloma.. very different..

Doctors who practice on TV are prone to making incomplete, misleading, or incorrect statements. Best to thoroughly research the topic itself and their sources of information before jumping on the bandwagon!
Did you see my post re the link to read the story of the woman in the U.k.? Granted it was about myeloma and I'm thinking it can't hurt for people on this forum to try if they so choose and get the green light from their doctors. Have you ever looked up RCHOP which is the first letter in 5 drugs doctors prescribe for some of us? Real scary to say the least but as always it's a personal choice

My post is in response to that post. As it isn't locked I won't go into my family history with blood cancers - all types. I hope you will restrict it to community only. I know more about chop and rchop than I'd like to, but it is not a usual treatment for CLL. Sometimes it isn't a personal choice, but simply the best option available.