When to nap, how long to nap, one nap or two, what's best for us?
'Insufficient sleep not only affects our overall performance, but can affect some physiological functions such as changes to hormones, metabolic factors and immunity.
Naps may also offer longer lasting improvements in cognitive performance and reduced sleepiness than other commonly used countermeasures of sleepiness such as caffeine.
Sleep inertia is also characterised by a decrease in performance ranging from slowed reaction time to decreased coordination.
You might wake from your nap feeling groggy - for up to 60 minutes.'
Gemma Paech, Postdoctoral research fellow, Biological Rhythms Research Lab, Washington State University examines the pros and cons of napping: theconversation.com/health-...
While written for the general public, hopefully the above article will help you get more out of your naps - ideally without sleep inertia, which can easily wipe out my afternoon plans...