Anyone with US based private insurance paying for ibrutinib? Can you say anything about the cost?
Ibrutinib cost/private insurance : Anyone with... - CLL Support
Ibrutinib cost/private insurance

You would have to check with your insurance company and see if it is covered. Their website should have a medication formulary or a "what drugs are covered." If Ibrutinib is not fully covered many of the specialty pharmacies know the contacts to get the med at a reduced rate. It is of course income based. It is sad, but many cancer patients in the US should look into medical estate planning.
The "You&I Support Program" might assist with funding for Imbruvica if you have private insurance that requires a co-pay. They can help you understand your insurance coverage and options.
Good luck!

I have no experience with this yet, however, I was told by my new Hemo/onco" "We (a university research hospital cancer clinic) have been able to get the cost down considerably to an affordable amount--$5.00 a month, or some."
I assume he meant that low amount would be so for persons who have less income than I. While my income is on the low end, they usually have formulas and the really affordable payments go to those who can't really afford even that low amount.
Again, i have no experience, yet. If you haven't talked with your Dr. yet, it might help to do so and to see if paper work can be submitted to the pharmaceutical co. for assistance.
I hope you find a way to get enough help so that you do not have to go in debt.
I have medical insurance through my company, and I pay a $100/month copay for Imbruvica....and then I pay about $76/month to have it Fed-Ex'd from the USA to Japan.
Of course, I'm concerned about the future if I lose that insurance for any reason.
I don't suspect that Ibrutinib will go down in price until 2016 or so.
I appreciate the reply, AR. I take it your insurance is through a known carrier?
Yes, - a major insurance company. If I was to ever change insurance companies, I'm sure I would be in big trouble with a pre-existing condition and an expensive pre-existing lifelong prescription.
I thought the preexisting s--t went away with Obamacare in companies can't do that anymore and not even Trump wants to gut this?
Well, that remains to be seen. Maybe they have to take you, but maybe they can charge you $120,000 a year. I really don't know. I will cross that bridge when I have to come do it, though I am very curious about what experiences others have had.
In 2013 they raised premiums but you can no longer be turned down because of a PEC...I have had two different insurances since issue.
If u read the first paragraph...the exclusion went away on 1/1/2014.
What is the cost to the insurance company