Thought I'd share my experience of the last two weeks with everyone. Most specifically this is for UK people, mileage for others may vary.
So, following Paula's doc and the news about NHS recommending Vitamin D supplements I toddled off to the GP the week before last. I asked for a Vitamin D test and Pneumococcal test.
Went back for results today. Pneumococcal results not back but Vitamin D verdict was in. My Vitamin D level is below recommended at 24.6 with min guidance of 25.
I was not at all surprised, her view was it is common for our latitude. My contribution was that "plus a bit of an own-goal covering up due to CLL".
Very pleased with GP was straight onto it with recommendations. I have 15 days high dose Vitamin D3 supplement (20,000 IU per day) then onto a regular 800 IU per day. Final step to book an appointment for six weeks time to do another blood test to check the results.
Today has been one of those good days we all like, plus I was out in the garden in the sun afterwards (covered up of course).
best, rob