After 9 years on W&W, I started chemotherapy for CLL last September. I had 3 rounds of Bendamustine & Rituximab followed each time by hospitalisation for neutropaenic fever. I was so ill and very low white cells, my consultant gave me a rest of 8 weeks and then I had a long acting GCSF followed by one round of Rituximab only, one month ago. My blood results today show that my white cells are persistently low WBC 1.9, Neutrophils 0.4 and Lymphocytes 0.9. All the other counts are well within normal. Today I have started a 5 day course of GCSF to boost the white cells. But there is one result I do not understand - Red cell distribution width (RDW) of 15.0. Does anyone know what this means? My doc didn't mention it so I assume it's nothing to worry about.
In spite of the low whites, I am feeling well & have a good energy level with no cll symptoms. Great relief but still have to be vigilant about picking up any infections.
Any thoughts, anybody?