Hi. My husband, John, started Ibrutinib treatment on October 13. He noticed today that he is breaking out in a rash all over his back, chest, upper arms and neck. Has anyone else had this experience, and what did you do for it? All feedback would be welcome. Thanks, Barb ( a concerned wife)
Ibrutinib rash: Hi. My husband, John, started... - CLL Support
Ibrutinib rash

Hi Barbara, sorry to hear about your husband, I'm on ibrutinib, but not suffered from a rash though my consultant had warned me about rashes, contact your consultant and get it checked, although it is a common side effect ( as I was told ) always wise to get it checked out... Hope it calms down, best wishes Jan xx
Yes, it's a common side effect which usually settles down after a while.
Dear Barb,
I began Ibutrinib three months ago. I have had many different side effect from terrible joint pain, nausea, fain going fatigue, scratches that don't sen to heal and bleed a lot for weeks and then...just waiting for the next symptom. It has been very frustrating and I weigh the side effects to the disease growing. I am in constant balancing between life and side effects. I know I am lucky and also am struggling with what I am experiencing. I have not experienced the rashes and I am so sorry that your husband is experiencing this. I pray these symptoms pass and pray for you and your husband .Many blessings and love, n
Hello, Hope you and your husband are doing well. How long did the rash last? Did the doctor get concerned?