The title says it all ! Im on round 4 and have a little neutropenia after my chemo's. My mum has shingles which she gets a lot. How long should i stay away for? she had it 2 weeks ago and her rash has just gone. I dont want to risk anything as i believe shingles is bad if your on Chemo.
On FCR and mum has shingles: The title says it... - CLL Support
On FCR and mum has shingles

Hi grizzlebear,
Sorry to hear about your mum's shingles. I'm sorry I don't know the answer to your question, however if it were me asking the question I think I'd ask the team who are running my FCR programme. I did look at shingles on the web a while back and seem to remember it is infectious while the rash etc exists. However, as we have a weakened immune system I'd be doubly cautious.
(I remember a relative appearing with a child that had chicken pox saying they were no longer infectious - I pointed out that the generic statement might not apply to me - whether they believed me or not was irrelevant, caution is the word).
Hi having had shingles after treatment (and I have no medical knowledge whatsoever) I would advoid your mum. Its hard to do but shingles for me was hell. Please ask you medical team. Best wishes to you and your mum.

Shingles rash is contageous for chicken pox, not shingles. Keep the rash covered and don't touch the area and you should be fine...
The chicken pox virus lives in us all our lives as do all herpes viruses and many others, when the T cell count drop theses viruses travel down nerves to reproduce...
Anyone who suspects shingles need to get on antivirals within hours... time matters.
My shingles reactivation during treatment was 20 months ago and I have perminent nerve damage on my face... I was on antivirals within 18 hours...
Shingles can be extremely nasty, as I have learned... especially on the face.
Do a search ..there are many threads here on shingles...
I would stay away from your mum while she has active shingles.
My husband had shingles after two rounds of FCR which had to be discontinued because of another complication,he was just recovering when the shingles hit him.
Now two years on he is still having pain at the site of the shingles.