I have been on ibrutinib since aug 2019 and now that things have opened up a bit my sister was going to come for a visit. Only problem is she now has shingles. If we eat outside and she uses the downstairs washroom are we ok? I have had the shingles vacine...but then again so has she and got it anyway...thoughts?
Shingles and cll: I have been on ibrutinib since... - CLL Support
Shingles and cll

You waited this long, I would have her visit in another month. How long has she had shingles? Where on her body? Hopefully she recovers soon and then it will be a safer time for her to visit. 💕

If we have previously been infected with chicken pox, then we are susceptible to an outbreak of shingles, particularly when our immune system is struggling or depressed, e.g. during treatment. (The same virus that causes chicken pox remains (hopefully forever) dormant in our nerve cells).
Transmission of shingles can happen from the shingles blister fluid, causing chicken pox, not shingles (though you could subsequently get shingles). If your sister doesn't have weeping shingles blisters, or if she does and they are bandaged, then you should not be at risk. I hope you can enjoy some time with your sister.
Please do not risk it.... A couple of years ago, I had a nasty attack of shingles, on the right side of my face.... It damaged the sight in my right eye..... I felt horrendously ill for a few months..... I still have scars on my neck.
Please wait a little longer, to see your sister..... It just isn't worth taking the risk.

Mine was on the left... Not nice..
Is shingles contagious? It is not possible to catch shingles from someone else with the condition, or from someone with chickenpox. However, it is possible for someone who has never had chickenpox to catch it from someone with shingles, as the shingles blisters contains the live virus.26 Feb 2020
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Can you catch shingles from someone else?
How easy is it to catch shingles?
What causes you to get shingles?
Is shingles contagious by touch or airborne?
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Is Shingles Contagious? - Healthline
Shingles itself is not contagious. You can't spread the condition to another person. However, the varicella-zoster virus is contagious, and if you have shingles, you can spread the virus to another person, which could then cause them to develop chickenpox.
I work in a hospital and was immune suppressed (before eventual diagnosis) I was not allowed to nurse anyone with shingles. I had to stay away and not interact with them
But read this
You won't catch shingles from your sister. You can catch chicken pox from her if you haven't had it. If you have had chicken pox, then you are already at risk for shingles and visiting with her won't increase your risk for shingles. As for as the vaccine for shingles, if it was the newer Shingrix vaccine, it is much more effective. If it was the older Zostavax it is recommended in general to get revaccinated with Shingrix. But check with your Dr. first. Different Drs. have diferent recommendations about vaccinations and may depend on your individual immunity.
Thanks Janie12...i had a great lunch, outside, with my sister, whose name is Janie! I will tell her about the new vaccine as she had zostavax And got them anyway. Poor thing they are all over her face and neck, back and arms...she was able to get some antibiotics today so hopefully that will help.
Great that you got together with your sister! Given antibiotics are useless against shingles, I presume that your sister has secondary skin infections of her shingles blisters? It's very important to start on an antiviral, such as Acyclovir (Zovirax), Famciclovir (Famvir) or Valacyclovir (Valtrex) within 72 hours of shingles symptoms first appearing, but per the below, pain medications may also be also be needed.
I got shingles at late pretreatment stage, and have been on daily Aciclovir since. Isn't it usual to have prophylactic antiviral while on treatment?