Hi all.. Patient was diagnosed with CLL in 2017 as he was at stage 0 he was asked to wait and watch
2018- reached Rai stage 3.. FCR was given starting with immunotherapy
2019- relapse of CLL- started having Ibrutinib
2020 Nov- got covid ( episode 1)
2021- April - COVID ( episode2)
June- relapse of CLL as Ibrutinib stopped working .. there was a suspicion of DLBCL so RCHOP one cycle was given but patient wasn’t able to tolerate so it was stopped. After 3 months of hospitalisation and multiple blood and platelets transfusion, he was discharged and put on Rituximab + Venitoclax ( could go upto 200 mg only)
2022- March - COVID (episode 3)
as of today- CLL has relapsed again .. the doctors are discussing various new combinations to treat it.. patient developed H1N1 recently and is hospitalised for treatment of lung infection
## is there anyone in the group with multiple relapses or a case similar to this ?
## what all treatment options did you go for
## please share experiences and pour in your advices thank you in advance!!