with no body fat worked out hard 4 times a week had a good diet, on result of my next blood test was shocked to discover that my reading was back up to 7, so obviously have continued taking them, but I am sure it is affecting my muscles, the big question is should I be taking Q-10....? and who are the most trusted suppliers.
Have been on 40mg statins for 3 year, ... - Cholesterol Support
Have been on 40mg statins for 3 year, my cholesterol dropped from 7 down to 5. a year later I stopped them, because I felt fit.

Don't know the answer to your last question - I take recommendations from my local Health Food Shop. In addition to my statins (I have F.H.) I take CoQ10 plus Kyolic Garlic Tablets and (as a result of a tip on this forum) I am now also experimenting with Soya Lecithin.
Kyolic have worked for me for about twenty years and are natural, with no side effects but all the medical experts assure me they cannot possibly have any effect.
Your body, your life, your decisions and your choices. Hope you can get back down to 5 or below.
I am afraid I no nothing about Q10, but different statins have different strengths ie. mg and say. Rusavastatin mg levels are lower than atorvastatin or may be simvastatin so the 5mg,20mg etc in one statin is different to another. The other matter is that side affects can differ person to person so one person might reaction badly to say atorvastatin and be fine with Rusavastatin so that's why GPs will try one statin and if one produces side affects he/ she will try another. The main object is to reduce the cholesterol level to an acceptable level ie 4 or below to reduce the prospect of heart attack or stroke.
Thanks for your reply mike.
I am on simvastatin, the only real side effect is some muscle weakness which is very annoying because I am a bit of a fitness fanatic, the conflicting reports I have read on Q-10 tend to lean more towards its beneficial aspects, but no official proof.
Hi Joe
I would say you definately need to be taking Q10 if you are on statins. It is a vital nutrient and statins will block it's action. Higher Nature on line is an excellent company to get it from, and all other supplements. They offer discounts if you pay a small annual fee. The nutritional supplement industry is a minefield of rogue companies, one of those occasions where you get what you pay for, only a handful of responsible ones, Higher Nature imho is one of them.

Very interesting, What is Q10?, I started on statiin 20mg three weeks ago to reduce cholesterol. Sholud I be taking Q10? I am learning for these discussions. Please tell me if any other in the market I need to consider taking.
Thanks a lot.
Hi Tracy.
Have just completed a 40 day course of Q-10, cant say I felt any different, mind you I did get them Holland & Barret, was told by a person who has studied vitamins that they are just commercial crap, but you are the third person to give the thumbs up to health-span.
Thanks for your help.
Hi Traci.
Thanks for that, I will go and check out the health-span site, its unfortunate I had not discovered this site prior to wasting my money with Holland & Barrett, you say you are not currently taking statins, is that your choice or an instruction from your GP, when I stopped taking them last year my levels shot up to 7.
It will be interesting to find out the result of my next blood test, if I can get down to 20mg that will be a result in itself.
Hi Bala
Good description on wikipedia...look up co enzyme Q10.
In short it is a vitaminlike substance that is necessary for every cell in the body, the issue is that statins block it's action. Worth everybodies while who is taking statins to look this up....imho.