i have been on 3 statins all affect my... - Cholesterol Support

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i have been on 3 statins all affect my joints or energy dr said there are other things i can take, latest is ezetrol thinking of stopping

meganbelle profile image
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meganbelle profile image
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wallis profile image

I too have a problem with Statins. Since 1989 I have tried every statin that has come out same old thing aches and pains everywhere. I too have tried ezetrol but the Chloresterol never came down. I was put onto Rosuvastatin last month This too has had a terrible reaction extreem aching all over my body. so I am hoping to go and see the Heart specialist whenever I get appointment to see what I can take to lower the chloresterol, my diet contains very little of the bad things and my weight is not high as some. So what is the answer for us Hypolipodema people. I also have Angina.but at 70 I keep active as much as poss.Apparently according to a freind there is another tablet that is on the market but very expensive that does lower the chloresterol, no idea what it is. I wish I did.

Aliwally profile image

There are other alternatives to statins, fibrates, niacin and bile acid sequestrants, but they won't lower LDL as much. I am trying cholestagel which is going OK.

Generic statins such as simvastatin are very cheap , Crestor may be the expensive one you are referring to as it is branded still.

frankcooper profile image

Have you had an MRI or CT scan done? A friend of mine with elevated cholesterol had one done recently and it showed zero plaque buildup in his arteries so he felt confident to disregard the medications. There is often a cost to the patient to get this done but its a small price compared to the what you are going through.

meganbelle profile image

I had a ct scan done on my hip in December, i get the results in March and i will ask the question . thank you Meganbelle

qbuster profile image

I'm 75 but am pretty fit. I belong to a walking group and we walk 6-7 miles at a good pace each week. A few weeks after starting on statins (SImvastatin) I started getting painful muscles during each walk and stiffness after. More troubling was that I felt very lethargic, incapable of concentrating on simple tasks and my capacity to do anything that required mental effort went down. I put this down to a side effect of the stroke (a very minor one).

However, now that I have stopped taking the statin, I find that not only have the muscle aches gone, my ability to think quickly and clearly has returned along with an end to the lethargy.

Is there any medical evidence to support loss of mental agility and cause of lethargy as a side-effect of statins?

DakCB-UK profile image
DakCB-UK in reply to qbuster

Look on the leaflet that came with your statins. It should say something like "Other side-effects include gastro-intestinal disturbances, sleep disturbance, headache, dizziness, depression, paraesthesia, asthenia, peripheral neuropathy, <strong>amnesia, fatigue,</strong> sexual dysfunction, thrombocytopenia, arthralgia, visual disturbance, alopecia, and hypersensitivity reactions (including rash, pruritus, urticaria, and very rarely lupus erythematosus-like reactions)." (Quote from openBNF.org entry for simvastatin)

DakCB-UK profile image
DakCB-UK in reply to DakCB-UK

Oh and note that despite that, I still take simvastatin. I seem to suffer few of its side-effects, even though I had a ton of side-effects on other statins. There are many variations and it's not certain you'll suffer on all of them.

qbuster profile image
qbuster in reply to DakCB-UK

I can't say I see any side-effects that match mine other than fatigue (mine was more lethargy) and possibly sleep disturbance but the latter wasn't significant. Arthralgia is joint pain and what I was experiencing was muscle pain.

But thanks anyway for sending me the information.

Hi qbuster

I can relate to all this, muscle pains, lethargy, depression, muzzy head, not thinking straight, etc. As soon as I stopped the simvastatin started to feel much better now almost back to 'normal'. So much anecdotal evidence of damage caused by statins, and from my research they seem to have been discredited for some years now. Trouble is GPs don't read it and have become too dependent on info from the drug companies who have a vested interest in you taking them....for me not worth the risk or the side effects...rather live a good, if shorter life!!

meganbelle profile image

Thanks EveC, Totally agree, had a word with the surgeon yesterday and he agreed that i should have a word with my doctor about staying of statinsif he suggest anything else will let you know meganbelle

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