this is what i have..echo showed heart issue said do again in 3 years..but something in recent blood test showed something with raised . given statins. ex smoker but started after years none 2 3 day 4 months . cardio didn't know . lesflet says start low colesterol diet. atr too many cakes biscuits since stoppes cigs noe prediabtic ..also gastritis and cigs caused severely constipation so nees take loads laxatives each day fhen lots sloppy diarrheo. on a med which cigs have affected ..hell to taper off monthss years . gp i wrote everything . never comments re bad constipation . emailed gastro . never replies .veg makes no difference. leaflet for statins says can cause constipation.,gastritis eosphagitis too. what do i do to lower bad colesterol as lesflet says do?? best site ?
good ldl slightly high bad ..heart mur... - Cholesterol Support
good ldl slightly high bad ..heart murmur slight aortic stenosis high bp and prediabtic
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