I would like to state that there is NO SUCH THING as Bad or Good Cholesterol, we are being brainwashed by manipulators. The reality is: there is HDL (which comes from our diet) and LDL which is made by our liver. Both are essential for our health. Problems arise when HDL is low and can't manage to 'ball up' excess LDL and send it to the gut for removal. The REAL issue with Total Cholesterol readings is when the ratio of HDL:LDL is out of whack. Our diet of processed foods, trans fats, too much Omega 6, not enough Omega 3, too much junk carbs, not enough leafy greens, seafood, whole fresh foods is a major factor in the imbalance of the two types of ESSENTIAL fats in our bodies. Our brains - 3% of body weight requires at least 23% of its volume to be Cholesterol/LDL to function properly!
Statins prevent the liver from making LDL, causing a metabolic deficiency. Some people are lucky to escape relatively unharmed, but I believe many more than we know have their health ruined by medicos' ignorance!