Hi, I've worked really hard to lose weight and lower my cholesterol, naturally. My numbers are improving, but my triglycerides have gone up. Why would that happen?
Why have triglycerides gone up? - Cholesterol Support
Why have triglycerides gone up?

In my case, my triglycerides were high due to lack of exercise and drinking too much. I try to exercise at least 30 minutes per day and have greatly reduced my alcohol intake to about two pints per week. I also reviewed my diet and swapped out rice, pasta, bread etc for their wholemeal versions. After about six weeks my triglyceride fell from 400 down to 100.
Hope this helps.
Thanks. I've done that but stopped the exercise a bit due to viruses , one after the other. I was dissapointed that my cholesterol numbers improved but not the tryglycerides.
Hi again,
After talking at length with my Doctor he explained to me how it works in simple terms. Triglyceride is produced by the body and stored in the liver to be used by the muscles, and if your muscles dont use enough it stays in the blood and is deposited back into the liver (the cause of my high triglyceride and fatty liver disease). He emphasised that regular moderate exercise will reduce it significantly. Its a shame that you cant exercise at the moment, but it has proved to be the most effective means for me to reduce them and my liver is also recovering. Hope you can resume soon.
Here's how to strengthen your immune system and reduce or eliminate the acquisition of viruses:
1. Give yourself a 9-hour sleep opportunity every night in order to get 8 full hours of sleep. A restful sleep is the biggest contributor to your immune system; Learn more here: youtu.be/5MuIMqhT8DM
2. High doses of vitamin C will also contribute to and improve your immune system. The most bio-available form of vitamin C is liposomal - you can learn more here:
You don't need to replace those starches with the whole meal equivalent, replace them instead with legumes. You must also eliminate all processed foods which contain hidden sugars.
I am not an expert and I don't know anything about your diet, so read what follows with caution. My understanding is that triglycerides are made by the liver from excess carbohydrate and that you should be able to reduce triglycerides by eating less carbohydrate - and, if necessary, more fat. Fat (fatty acid triglycerides) in the blood comes from carbohydrate in the diet, not from fat in food!
If you are interested, the following scientific publication reports that individuals with a high carb, low fat diet make triglycerides by a process called "de novo lipogenesis": academic.oup.com/ajcn/artic...
Recent studies seem to suggest that there is no great link between saturated fat in food and heart disease, and that dairy may reduce the risk of stroke.
This scientific paper argues that a low-carbohydrate, high-fat (LCHF) diet reverses all known coronary risk factors in persons with insulin resistance, whereas a high-carb, low-fat diet may worsen many of those factors:
Good luck!