was wondering - when any of you stopped you statins was there a large spike in your cholesterol on the next test?
Stopping Lipitor: was wondering - when... - Cholesterol Support
Stopping Lipitor

Yes, I quited rosuvastatin 5 mg, then lipid rose high. But now I 'm in normal range of lipid profile. I was fighting since 2/3 years.
But was on strict diet like fruits only on breakfast, raw veg plus brown rice with veg curry meal on lunch and boiled veg food on dinner and workout 1 hour + yoga. Omega 3 fish oil, soaked almond n flaxseed on morning. Plus sometime mother Apple cider vinegar or green tea alternatively. Garlic.
Imp: take time on chewing more your food.
If you can change your food into raw uncooked, many disease will go away. But make sure fruits n vegetables are organic. I did only 40% raw.
I was on Atrouvastatin( Lipitor) for 8 months with terrible back pain My cholesterol lowered but not a huge amount.
Once taken off the drug, cholesterol did spike, but went down. I am also vegetarian which helped.
I was borderline normal LDL last test.
Just don't give up.. Diet will help! Let me know how things go!
How long after you stopped did you do your first test that they were high - mine was 3 months
I would say a month. My endocrinologist at the time was the prescriber; it took me months of pain to convince him to take me off of it, which was late November.
My GP saw me in late December and tested me..cholesterol went up and by March/ April had come down. Endocrinologist tested me in April. LDL was 131
Range (0-129).
He wanted to put me on Crestor, but GP would not allow it as she suspected another allergy.
When you come off the statins, eat more vegetables, watch fats...you will do fine.
Let me know how you are doing.

Yes, that's called the rebound effect and it is temporary.
It is important to maintain a healthy diet such as the Mediterranean Diet and exercise daily to ensure you reduce inflammation in your body.
Cholesterol is synthesized by the liver when there is inflammation occurring in your body.
I eat no fried foods , no meat only salmon - 4 days a week and also juice daily. I exercise, I even ran a 1/2 marathon last weekend - it was 3 months since I stopped taking the med - I had worked my self down to every 3rd day before I stopped all together I feel good, but my result shocked me a bit - thanks for your input
If you are worried about your cholesterol level have a look at this brief selection of points from the book "The Great Cholesterol Con" by Dr. Malcom Kendrick.
Cholesterol is in every cell of the body and so much is needed for proper body function that it would be impossible to eat enough of it in your diet to satisfy your daily cholesterol needs. To meet this gap the liver manufactures four or five times as much cholesterol as you ingest. The liver adjusts the level in relation to the amount of cholesterol that you eat, so if you ingest high levels of cholesterol then the liver produces less to compensate.
Cholesterol is needed in the body for:
Brain synapses. The vital connections between nerve cells in the brain, and elsewhere, are made almost entirely of cholesterol. It is essential for proper neurological function and plays a key role in the formation of memory and the uptake of hormones in the brain, including serotonin, the body’s ‘feel-good’ chemical.
Vitamin D. A very important vitamin, not only needed to create healthy bones, but now known to be protective against a number of cancers. Vitamin D is synthesized from cholesterol by the action of sunlight on the skin.
Cell membranes. All cells in the body need cholesterol in their cell membranes. Without it they would disintegrate, as cholesterol provides structural integrity.
Sex hormones. Cholesterol is a building block for most sex hormones.
Bile. Cholesterol is a key component of bile salts, which are released from the gall bladder to help with food digestion, especially fats.
Repair. Cholesterol is the body’s repair substance: scar tissue contains high levels of cholesterol.
Cholesterol is one of the most important substances in the body. We cannot live without it, let alone function well. The pernicious diet-heart hypothesis has vilified this essential substance. Unfortunately, this hypothesis has served many commercial and political interests far too well, so they ensure its long survival. However, the life of the diet-heart hypothesis is coming to an end as we become aware that cholesterol has been mistakenly blamed for the crime just because it was found at the scene.
Extract from the Weston Price Foundation.
So you can see that a low level of cholesterol is not ideal for good health, no matter what your GP may tell you. Remember we are all customers now, not patients. Treatment, whether you need it or not, generates profit and there is no profit in good health.
Just a thought.
It is not my opinion but that of a highly respected doctor who makes no distinction between good or bad, that is a fabrication of the pharmaceutical industry and has been a real money spinner; frankly I would rather follow what Kendrick says. We are both well into our eighties, we don't go near our doctor with whom we are obliged to be registered, and take no medicaments whatsoever and are not on any form of diet. We eat whole organic food so far as possible, make our own bread from organic grain that we have milled ourselves and follow the advice of the highly respected Surgeon Captain T.L. Cleave FRCP. Make no mistake about it, for the pharmaceutical industry, the cholesterol story has been a real winner. Merck, one of the largest pharmaceuticals, make as much money from statins as they do from the rest of their range of products put together. In the U.K. doctors are paid a bonus for prescribing statins to patients who are otherwise well. Look up Q.O.F. if you doubt what I say; very often these patients develop iatrogenic disease.
I repeat what the Weston Price Foundation said, good health is bad for business as there is no profit in it. The first prescription the doctor gives his patient is for fear after that they are in his/her hands to do what they like with.
Finally I strongly recommend a book by Dr. James Le Fanu, "Too Many Pills".
I have just read an article about statins which will interest you. You can find it at: healthscams.org.uk/statins-... It seems to put the cholesterol myth into true perspective; it being just one of the biggest money making drugs of all time.
I have just returned to the site I recommended and found that there was an error in the URL I quoted, the correct one is here: healthscams.org.uk/statins-...