Basic facts. I'm a 66 year old male. Diagnosed with high cholesterol years ago.
Initially prescribed Atorvastatin 10mg daily for a number of years.
Eventually I often said to my wife, in response to things she said, " You didn't tell me that!"
She always suggested that she had. This went on for quite a while and it troubled me. So I did what you're not supposed to do and checked up on Google. I found I wasn't alone.
Visited doctor to discuss. Needless to say doctor wasn't impressed, but after a while he agreed to change prescription to Ezetimibe 10mg/day.
Shortly thereafter, wife tells me, "You don't say you never told me that anymore" - and she's right, I don't.
Breezing along happily for the next few years, with annual blood checks to verify all's well I continued with Ezetrol (Ezetimibe). Then I noticed I wasn't being called for the annual blood test. Checked with doctor who said, that they'd stopped it because my results were always stable.
7 weeks ago, I experienced an episode of what I interpreted as trapped wind. After a week or so it passed - (visit to doctor suggested it was Gastritis).
2 weeks ago another episode of 'Gastritis' occurred which resulted in me calling '111'
They sent an ambulance for me and admitted me to hospital. Blood test revealed Pancreatitis with haywire readings (e.g. amylase 746)
Ultrasound scan of gall bladder showed too many stones to count. (Amylase dropped the next day to 300 and the following day to 76)
Surgeon suggested the stones had caused the pancreas problems and I had the gall bladder removed 2 days later. All went well.
Whilst recovering, to relieve the boredom, I consulted Google again with all sorts of random queries including 'Gall Stones' and 'Ezetimibe'
Now I'm not saying that the pile of results that threw up are conclusive proof that Ezetimibe caused my problems, but it sure as hell gives food for thought.
None of what I've reported here may be of concern to others, but I can't help thinking there's enough personal proof for me of both the negative effects of Atorvastatin on my memory and of the high likelihood of Ezetimibe having caused or at least aggravated the production of my Gall Stones.
The question is really now I don't have a gall bladder, and if I'm correct about the negative impact of Ezetimibe previously, can it cause me any more harm?
Just to be clear, Google's results for my latest query included much forum discussion but also several, what look to me like, serious medical papers dating back to around the year 2000.
I haven't written this to panic or disturb anyone, it could be that I'm the only one these things have have happened to. Better to be safe than sorry though.
I'm going to invest in one of the home test Cholesterol/Triglyceride meters now - not to replace the doctor and his (to me) too infrequent testing, but to keep an eye on things as best I can, in between.