I am working on how I can stay as good as I can for as long as I can, without taking medications, unless I absolutely cannot manage without. I post this as after the recent debate about whether or not to take COQ10 and statins.
I have just been to a local (in Spain so local to our house in Spain) clinic. Spain is much better at combining western medicine with complimentary medicine and I went because I wanted dietary and supplement advice. We are working on balancing my system as I am taking immune suppressants so we worked with Bioresonance. All those who are dismissive of 'alternative' approaches - stop reading now as this method works on a scientific basis of quantum physics not bio-chemistry - with which western medical methodologies tend to focus.
This is individualized medicine - to compliment the prescription meds I take, not replace them, and ensure there is no interaction between certain foods and supplements.
For those who don't know Bioresonance is a way of working not with with electro-magnetic resonance - i.e. if you are familiar with Field Theory - particle/wave vibrations which can be picked up through a very sensitive machine. It is a way of testing whether or not a particular medicine, food or supplement is helpful, neutral or has a negative impact, for anyone who is interested, you can google it.
I will not go into the details but the findings were of great interest to me as it showed that the Ubiquinol I have been taking did absolutely nothing for me so I have now switched back to COQ10 of a particular manufacture which showed a very positive result. All the supplements I take for osteoporosis tested positive. All the food intolerances that tested positive I mostly knew about - one surprise - Brocolli.
I am now, more than ever, convinced that treatments are very individual as the variables for each are too complex is simply say - this is good for you - this is not and there is no right or wrong so how can medics possibly give a global absolute yes or no on the efficacy on any substance?
Best wishes CD