About a year ago I had a couple of nasty skin infections so I went to the GP for antibiotics and she ran a comprehensive set of tests. As it was before christmas, I didn't bother ringing up for the results but went back because I still had a boil and saw a trainee GP who told me my cholesterol was 8.2, the rest of the tests were normal and the boil would heal up on its own and didn't need any more antibiotics
I already knew my cholesterol was high and wasn't bothered as I don't have any other risk factors, don't smoke, blood pressure fine, not diabetic, and I'd previously had a measurement of 7.4 which the GP wasn't really bothered about because my overall risk was under 20% so I just told her I'd lose some weight and left.
I then got a letter to come back - which scared the living daylights out of me - and it turned out trainee GP had panicked and decided to refer me to a lipid clinic, having realised she should have done this in the first place. I went to see an extremely rude consultant who refused to answer any questions, diagnosed me with 'possible familial hypercholesterolaemia' on the basis of LDL cholesterol plus family history, gave me a prescription for simvastatin and shoved me out the door.
Now there have been heart attacks and strokes in my family, but only in smokers. Not ONE of my non smoking siblings has any history of heart disease/stroke and my oldest brother is 68, and two more are under 60. And they're not taking statins. Oldest brother tried but came off them more or less straight away because of muscle & joint pain.
I refused statins, lost some weight and my total cholesterol dropped back to 7.4 (it may have been slightly elevated because of the skin infections in any case). So I went back to the GP and asked where this left the diagnosis and she has just referred me to a different consultant as it's not her specialist area.
I think I am probably wasting my time even going, am not in the least bit optimistic I will get any sensible information, think I probably do not have FH and even if I have (I accept i may have some genetic tendency to raised cholesterol) from reading around the more sceptic bits of the net, realise that this doesn't necessarily mean that I am at high risk, or that statins will help me.
I'm a mixture of furious and stressed, I work full time, so have had to waste a day's leave to go to hospital as I know I will be stressed to the max after going and couldn't face dealing with an afternoon's work.
I'm absolutely fed up. What benefit am I deriving from this farce, it's making my health worse?
My current total cholesterol is 7.4, HDL 1.3, trigylceride 1.1, LDL 5.6, ratio HDL to total cholesterol 5.7 . I've got normal blood pressure and always have had, am a non smoker, normal fasting blood sugar, I am NOT at risk of heart disease. And I've had a stress test in a PET scanner which came out completely normal.
Why are the NHS trying to terrify healthy people?