Hi all,
Well, today has been a mixed bag. My wife and I both had a day off. Praise be! Rare as hen's teeth that ...
So we had lunch out, and nice trip to the beach, some sun, England won the test match, and all is good with the world ......
And life can turn around fast when you take your eye off the ball .... holy moly.
On the way home, we stopped into a supermarket to get some cheeses and snacks for a light evening supper watching the Hundred (yes, I do like cricket, sorry!)
I had two kids standing there, gawping at my lumps, and oh Dear God did they kick off a fuss. Had anyone intervened, I would have been in serious trouble. An adult bloke, aged 50, cannot challenge two 12 year olds. They can say what they want, and I cannot do or say anything, because the parents were absent, letting their kids mindlessly wander around causing misery to passers by. As remarked to my wife, I would have felt less conspicuous if I'd been disguised as a seriously discredited cigar smoking BBC DJ. Yes that one.
But God help you if you challenge them ... Personally, I had no issue with the children's reaction. But the parents apathy ? I refuse to say in polite company how I feel about this.
Some people suck at being people. I was furious!
But to put it in context, when we came home, a car pulled in front of us. We were on a blind bend and a car pulled out without looking. He didn't see us almost right on top of him.
I never fully appreciated what a truly great driver my wife is. She recognised in a heartbeat that she would never have successfully done an emergency stop. She would have been in a big impact. And so, she did the exact opposite. She gunned it, put us on the wrong side of the road, and got past the car that nearly took us out. If she'd tried to stop, we'd be in hospital now, and lucky to be talking ....
You never really realise how fragile life is.
We must work harder to stop the stares, but at the same time, we must treasure every precious moment we have, because you can never assume that tomorrow is certain. Had Mrs CB gotten that one wrong, tomorrow might have looked very different.
Please, take hold of someone you love, and tell them how much you love them, and let them tell you the same back. That could be family. That could your friend. For me, it is my wife.
Don't leave it. It won't wait.
And yes. I'm completely fine. I'm laughing about it now. I'm just staggered by my wife's astonishing driving skills. And very grateful for them. and enjoying the cricket!
Best wishes to all.