Hello everyone, the day's dawned again! Friday! For some, a feeling that the weekend's coming, but for many people, especially carers, it sometimes signifies little, as care has to go on 24/7, regardless. Thinking especially this Friday of all of you who really need a break from all of your hard work and responsibilities.
With that in mind I'd like to commend the Alzheimer's Society's new fund raising ad campaign. Have any of you seen the new ad? I saw it online in the middle of something I was watching, only yesterday, and whilst I usually find that an annoying intrusion, I really watched this one with interest.
It features the pressure a carer is under when looking after a loved one, acknowledging how unlikely it is that any help or respite will be provided and pointing out that not only one life suffers from this horrible disorder, but two and often even more. And actually that goes for anyone who is a carer, for any reason. I thought it really hit the spot and I hope it's successful for them, though really how much better it would be if someone, some day, would really give some official and statutory help to all carers as well!
I hope you've all had some moments of pleasure in the past week in this rather bleak month. Somehow though by this time in January my thoughts do start to turn to brighter evenings and the hope that spring will be coming along in a little while.
Meantime, it being Friday, you are welcome to post off-topic if you'd like to, keeping inside the care community guidelines, of course.
And a very warm welcome to anyone who has come to this community lately. Please add your own thoughts and ask any questions you have. We are all here waiting to help and support!
Take care and keep warm!