Hi I am Ron been on HU for a couple years and always have enjoyed talking to all of our good people here, Have learned a lot about my issues and hoped I have helped others with their life experiences. Just stumbled on to this site today, I have been absent from HU for a few months, had some new issues and been helping friends and some family and has taken most of my time away from my own fight to achieve a good healthy life, so now I am back and hope to meet more new friends and get re aquainted with my old friends.
Old Friend Back, Same problems, New Hopes - Care Community
Old Friend Back, Same problems, New Hopes

Hello Ron and welcome back to HU. This is a lovely friendly care community and I look forward to hearing more from you in the future. Nice to meet you. Xxxx
Hi there Sassy59 thanks for the wonderful words, I always had great & friendly words from wonderful friends that are just like me, searching for all kinds of helpful information , for themselves and in turn helpjng others along the way !!!! Thanks again, I will stay and enjoy getting to know all new friends !! 💘
Hi Ron, I see that sassy59 has greeted you already so just to add my own and say that it's good to make your acquaintance. Please feel welcome to drop in at any time. Always glad to hear from you.

Hi there thanks for the friendly reply, nice to meet also and I will be around quite often 😊
Hello Ron, I hope life is treating you well and that you have found a way through this strange world we all find ourselves in. This community really helps when you need support. I hope you have a good weekend.
Thankyou Helen, Each day seems to sometimes be challenge, and sometimes I enjoy meeting new people or I seem to succeed in this new life experience that I have been given. Nothing happens exciting as my life these past few years have become very dull, boring, non-event full, but as always I continue to keep getting up and doing my thing. Also in your reply I hope you had an exceptional weekend and are having a wonderful week.....Ron
I think most of us have become more insular through these extraordinary times. I find that it's all about finding pleasure in everyday things and getting out into the natural world if you are able. Its very healing. Sending kind thoughts. Helen x
Hi Helen, yes I get out everyday !! I work at a part time job 3 or 4 days in a week. plus grocery, helping others, sister, daughter in law, and best friend lost leg due to diabetes, so I stay very busy plus I am a Free Mason and chaplain & Trustee in my lodge. So what do you do for your enjoyment in life??? Also sending kind thoughts too YOU !!!! Ron
Hi Ron, you sound really busy and have so much going on. What a wonderful full life. I am still working in the NHS although due to retire in 2 weeks time! We had plans to move house and set up an airbnb but that is taking rather longer than we had hoped. Fingers crossed.
Otherwise, I swim most days, walk our lovely little dog in the forest near to where we live and help out as much as I can with my elderly mum and my family. I have a daughter who lives close by and a granddaughter whom we see as much as possible. My other great joy is gardening and growing as much of our own produce as possible. It's very important to have some meaningful activity I find. Sending kind thoughts to you. Helen
Well thankyou for your reply, I retired bout 7 1/2 yrs ago. My dad told me once many years ago he didn't know how he found time to work because always seem to be to busy. And I find I am the same way, and like today, it was my day off and I told myself today was going to be a ME Day, well I started some laundry and thought about baking some special peanut butter cookies (recipe from dietdr.com an excellent place for wonderful recipes , check it out. Well 5 minutes later my phone rang and guess what, yep my 74 yr old sister that has dementia had misplaced her purse, money and phone, so that took 3 hours so that ended up taking my a free afternoon....so much ME day well maybe Sunday might me another chance.!!I enjoy gardening also, although with the pandemic I didn't plant any this past year, but hope to get back to a crop next year. I have a wood shop that I built and outfitted before I retired in hopes of spending a lot of time creating jobs of making items of wood. Well once in a while I make it out there if for no other reason for the solitude and my music. Well I enjoyed reply and please write me back when you have the time. sending my care. Ron
Thank you Ron. You are an inspiration! I will check out the peanut cookies, thank you for the link, as I love cooking. I hope you have a great weekend. Helen x
An inspiration!!! That's nice never been that but thankyou !! Ok here's something else that I have learned, I use the all the time, An app called " My Fitness Pal" it has a memory on your eating diary, it will instantly tell you carbs, calories, protein, and fat. With this app also has recipes, a diary of what I eat, its keeps track of my weight, plan's, steps, cardio,& strength, so check it out, but My dietdr.com has a premium membership you can purchase by the year, it is a real benefit.. Check it out..Helen have a fantastic weekend and bake us some delicious cookies or a pumpkin cheesecake....Ron..