On Wednes my daughter Molly's biopsy (dozens of spots in lower part of each lung) went horribly wrong. She had over 3 liters of fluid in her lungs; one was technically collapsed, held up by fluid in the chest lining. She was a few weeks from catastrophe. She crashed in the biopsy unit and was resuscitated. They checked her in to install a drain. She started to crash again in their IR, because she had to be awake while they cut her and inserted tubes, and the lidocaine failed (she felt it all and went into shock). We heard her screaming from down the hall. The IR radiologist Molly bonded with broke down sobbing, and they had to escort her out.
Over 3 of the 4 liters were drained. They sent the fluid for biopsy but they declared it's the next phase of her cancer and inoperable. Yesterday they attempted to glue her lining to her lungs to buy time to start chemo and radiation.
We drove home late yesterday, since Molly seemed to have no more procedures and was going home this weekend. We just learned her lungs are filling again/still. If her lungs won't stop filling this is apparently end stage and we will scramble for hospice etc for her final days and weeks.
But is it? Does anyone know of cases where this runaway fluid buildup is reversed?
Her doctors will talk with her Monday when they make rounds, but I need to know if we should prepare for the worst now or if there is hope.