Hi. I'm 48 years old and just be diagnosed last may. Because it's "mild" been left to my own devices! Consultant refused to send me to physio. I was looking for any advice on carrying out chest physio on myself. I'm a children's nurse so have a bit of an idea but not doing it on myself. Ended up boring myself a nebuliser machine cause I knew I was bad recently and gp said I had a flare up.
Chest physio: Hi. I'm 48 years old and... - Bronchiectasis Su...
Chest physio

That's shocking that the Doctor wont refer you to a physio. It's very important regardless of the level of bronchiectasis. If your having a lot of flare ups also question the 'mild' diagnosis label. I was told this and when i went private for a second opinion i was told the full facts. Go on how you feel and if you feel really unwell with your bronchiectasis then push the Doctor for more info and the physio appointment. There are some really great youtube video's on breathing techniques. The active cycle of breathing is one of the main ones to try. The acapella and flutter devices are also worth a try to move some mucus.
Hi, from my experience it's easier to get someone else to do the physio! Lie down on the side that isn't effected as bad and have a person hit your chest in a cup shape with their hand! Do it a few times and it will help you to cough anything up in a bad flare up!
I was diagnosed with Bronchiectasis 8 years ago . IT IS VITAL you see a physio who specialises in Bronchiectasis and can tailor a program for you . DO NOT try and self diagnose this one . Get another GP - find someone who can get you an appointment with a lung consultant and specialist - if you are not far from London ask if you can see someone at the Brompton Hospital . This is the best chest hospital in the country .
They have a whole team of physics specialising in bronchiectasis .
Be persistent !! Good luck !!
Thank u so much. Really appreciate it. TBH I'm disgusted at the whole situation being led up to my diagnosis and the treatment. And I'm even more sorry 2 say I work for the NHS as a children's nurse.
I saw my consultant at the brompton just today - I haven't been feeling so well for last month and he worked out that my physio want quite right .
Anyway I was also in Reading Hospital for 3 weeks this winter and they couldn't care less about physio - as long I was doing it all that concerned them . I came home and got ill straight away because my physio wasn't right ! Luckily I got into the brompton - first thing they did was work on my physio ! It is an art ! You have to bring up sputum and clear your lungs properly . I said to my consultant at ten brompton why did they not make it a priority !? He said because they weren't taught by him ! Luckily I have best bronchiectis consultant at the brompton - but most lung doctors don't even realise how important it is ...Turn your frustration into action and make it your goal to get someone great to teach you how to do what's right for you .