Coughed up blood (have Bronchiectasis... - Bronchiectasis Su...

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Coughed up blood (have Bronchiectasis). Anyone else have this without an exacerbation?

Phill1 profile image
13 Replies

Hi fellow BE supporters

Just had a couple days coughing up blood

Not much.. just spots.. probably only

1-2 teaspoon stretched over 2 days.. But it looked worrying.. It’s Stopped today

Feeling well in myself so don’t feel it’s an exacerbation but wondering if I went too heavy with the Aerobika last Thursday plus did a session on my Aerosure beforehand.????

Anyone else experienced this.. ? just wondering what’s caused it🤨

(& Another question about Carbocysteine coming up)

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Phill1 profile image
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13 Replies
Firefly25 profile image

Hi Phill1, I have BE with pseudomonas too and the same thing happened to me about 3 weeks ago, for the first time ever. I was on holiday in Italy at the time- it was very hot and I’d just been for a swim. It happened again after swimming a couple of days later. I called 111 when I got home and they sent me to A and E. They did an X-ray and didn’t see any changes and thought it might be an infection I’d fought off or related to Covid, which I had in June. Nothing since, until yesterday when I had a minute spot (also after swimming.) I’ve got a routine CT scan next week- A and E said they would have done one if that hadn’t been coming up. Have you called 111 for advice? A pain, I know as it took about an hour to get through, but worth getting it checked out. Hope you’re ok. Take care x

Phill1 profile image
Phill1 in reply to Firefly25

Hi Panthor I did ring the respiratory nurse last Friday but as I said I felt well she said just to keep an eye on it

Today My chest clearance was more than normal amount of mucus & feeling just a little uncomfortable in my lung have decided to start on My Cipro rescue pack. (Have Pseudomonas also🙄)

Just when you think things are going swimmingly 😡( pardon the pun)

Hope yours is settled



Phill1 profile image
Phill1 in reply to Firefly25

Sorry .. Meant… Hi Firefly! 🙄

panthor profile image

Hi Phill1. The best advice I can give is if you are worried, then go get it checked out ASAP.

I have bronchiectasis and cough up blood, it can range from little spots to a tissue full and is mostly when I have been coughing a lot to get the nasties up. The respiratory nurse said that a small amount is normal but larger amounts for a longer period need emergency care!

I have also noticed that coughing up blood can be an infection where antibiotics are required, Sometimes I don't feel like I have an infection apart from struggling to get stuff up and coughing more, but then clears after antibiotics!

Phill1 profile image
Phill1 in reply to panthor

Hi Panthor Thanks For responding.. Bit scary when it happens isn’t it

Same as you I felt ok but have started coughing up more mucus today so I have decided to start my abx… Ciprofloxacin.. have pseudomonas also.. was hoping I wouldn’t have to ..but hey ho better to be safe



panthor profile image
panthor in reply to Phill1

Yeah it is scary! You're very much like me in not knowing when to start antibiotics due to not feeling too bad and also not really wanting to use them. It's all a learning curve!

Cataleya2018 profile image
Cataleya2018 in reply to panthor

Buna, am si eu bronsiectazie diagnosticata din ianuarie 2014, sunt operata de 2 ori, scuip sange , am si aspergiloza. Am fost mai rau, dar dupa a 2 a operatie, si tratament pentru aspergiloza din incontinuu din septembrie 2018, e mai bine, sunt zile in care nu mai scuip sange. Am incercat tot ce se poate incerca , vorbesc de remedii naturiste. Am luat multe antibiotice am facut alergii la multe medicamente. Doar medicul specialist te poate ajuta. Eu am incercat acum 2 luni cu probiotice si am observat ca e mai bine. Am incercat si colostrum de la secom pentru imunoglobuline naturale. E mai bine fata de cum am fost. Dar fiecare raspunde diferit. Tot asa am citit ca un bolnav de bronsiecatazie ca si noi, i sa imbunatatit starea dupa probiotic pentru imunitate cu vit c de al jaimison. Bronsiectatzia e o boala care nu se vindeca doar e tinuta sub control. La mine era congenital, cand am descoperit era deja de operat. Inveti sa traiesti cu boala. In perioada rece iau vit c+zn, d3, baraka si echinaceea,( mie mi-a spus medicul meu infectionist si medicul pneumolog) cu ce sa suplimentez. Am inhalator berodulal n pentru ca ma sufoc, la nevoie iau aerius si paracetamol pentru frisoane. Mai e nevoie sa te vitaminizezi cu legume si fructe, sau cu supliment daca esti presa slabit. In perioada rece ma simt foarte rau, nu stiu cum va fi anul acesta. Cel ma bine e sa intrebi medicul tau ce te ajuta si ce poti lua chiar si suplimente, sa nu faci alergie la ceva sau sa fie cantraindicat pentru tine.

panthor profile image
panthor in reply to Cataleya2018

Hi Cataleya2018,

Thanks for your reply, hope you don't mind me showing a translation of your reply below?

It sounds like you have had a rough time of it! There are some interesting points you make that I will look into. I do take daily probiotic, vitamin D and a multi vitamin. I shall also start looking into other stuff to boost up, especially over the winter.

Thanks for that!

Bună Cataleya2018,

Vă mulțumesc pentru răspuns, sper că nu vă deranjează că vă arăt mai jos o traducere a răspunsului dvs.?

Se pare că ai avut o perioadă grea! Sunt câteva puncte interesante pe care le-ai spus pe care le voi analiza. Eu iau zilnic probiotice, vitamina D și o multivitamine. Voi începe, de asemenea, să mă uit la alte chestii pentru a stimula, mai ales în timpul iernii. Mulțumesc pentru că!

Cataleya2018 Translation

Hello, I also have bronchiectasis diagnosed since January 2014, I've been operated on twice, I spit blood, I also have aspergillosis. I was worse, but after the 2nd operation, and continuous treatment for aspergillosis since September 2018, it's better, there are days when I don't spit blood anymore. I have tried everything that can be tried, I am talking about natural remedies. I took many antibiotics, I developed allergies to many medicines. Only the specialist doctor can help you. I tried 2 months ago with probiotics and noticed that it is better. I also tried colostrum from secom for natural immunoglobulins. It's better than how I was. But everyone answers differently. I also read that a bronchiectasis patient like us, his condition improved after the probiotic for immunity with vit c de al jaimison. Bronchiectasis is a disease that cannot be cured, it can only be controlled. In my case it was congenital, when I discovered it was already for surgery. You learn to live with the disease. During the cold period, I take vit c+zn, d3, baraka and echinacea, (my infection doctor and pulmonologist told me what to supplement with). I have a berodulal inhaler because I suffocate, if needed I take aerius and paracetamol for chills. You still need to vitaminize yourself with vegetables and fruits, or with a supplement if you are already thin. In the cold period I feel very bad, I don't know how it will be this year. The best thing is to ask your doctor what helps you and what you can take, even supplements, so that you are not allergic to something or that it is contraindicated for you.

Phill1 profile image
Phill1 in reply to panthor

Thank you Cataleya..& Panthor.. for that translation 👍…I do take probiotics but think I should start looking at vit D & C supplements as well..

Cataleya2018 profile image
Cataleya2018 in reply to panthor

I apologize for not writing in English.

Phill1 profile image

Please don’t apologize.. grateful for your input 🙂

Patk1 profile image

I do cough up blood,periodically,from straks to larger amounts and/or clots.has b worse when have infection

Phill1 profile image
Phill1 in reply to Patk1

It must be such a worry when that happens..This is all a bit new to me so it’s so good to hear from others with the same predicament …fingers crossed for us to stay infection/ streak free !

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