can someone explain what cute hepatiti... - British Liver Trust
can someone explain what cute hepatitis with mild cholestasis is please?

It will be 'acute', i think. Meaning it happens/develops suddenly, not over a longish period of time ie it isn't 'chronic'. Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver, and can have several different causes. 'mild' you probably get!! 'cholestasis' is a problem with bile flow, as in it isn't moving normally. Again this can have many causes, the commonest is in fact (I think) a blockage due to gallstones, and I think it's fairly normal practice to look for gallstones first in someone who has cholestasis, so they can be ruled out before looking for other causes. If it's 'mild' then the person may or may not have jaundice/yellowing of the skin or white bits of eyes, but they will probably show certain abnomalities in blood tests, and may be sick, nauseous, have abdominal pain. I'd have thought with acute and.mild cholestasis, if its cause is found quickly and treated, then there would be minimal longterm damage. BUT that would all depend on cause and how easy it was to treat
Not sure if this is helpful, or how much info you want. You could probably get more detail by putting something like 'cholestasis' or 'hepattis' into a search engine.