Can you be a live donor for a stranger... - British Liver Trust

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Can you be a live donor for a stranger or does it have to be someone you are involved with?

Tracy0512 profile image
13 Replies

I couldn't donate part of my liver to my partner as he needed a whole one but I feel I would like to donate to maybe a child just to give something back. Is this allowed ?

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Tracy0512 profile image
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13 Replies
Bigplanet67 profile image

As far as I am aware, organ donations a anonymous and dependent on cross matching and blood compatibility. The expecting might be kidney/bone marrow were family members do donate

Tracy0512 profile image

On the bone marrow list and give blood anyway. I may give the liver transplant co ordinators a ring tomorrow. X

Pensylvania profile image

Hi Tracy. How very kind of you. It really is. But having Cirrhosis myself, I have looked into the ' living donor liver transplant' possibility and apparently, no, you Have to be a family member. So very kind of you though, to think about doing something so selfless.

All the best, its heart-warming to know there are people like You out there.

Bolly profile image

Hi Tracy. Definitely worth registering as a donor. Its as easy as 1-2-3 online here:

One person has the potential to help up to nine people through the donation of a heart, lungs, two kidneys, pancreas, liver and small bowel and two corneas. However I believe that you also need to inform next of kin of your wishes, not just carry a card. At the moment, with our 'opt in' system, next of kin can overule unless you have already told them your wishes.

Spread the word!!

Tracy0512 profile image

Bolly already on donor list. Have been for years.pensylvania. Apparently I could have donated half my liver to my boyfriend as we are both o blood type. The rhesus doesn't matter. As ling as liver is of similar size etc. I will however ask the question when we are at his check up on Thursday. He went for check up yesterday and surgeons etc are amazed at his recovery. Bilirubin is down from 273 to 37 now. That's my boy xxxxx

Bolly profile image

Hi Tracy. Glad to hear he continues to progress. Let us know what transplant team say about living donor system. Don't go putting yourself through elective surgery though, until your boyfriend has fully recovered, he needs you at home fit and active to help him through his recovery!

Tracy0512 profile image

It's a 3 month counselling period anyway and no I will wait till he is fully recovered as I ll be expecting him to wait on me hand and foot . ;)

Liverley profile image

The answers here are a little confusing, one says that a living donor has to be a family member, another says she is donating to her boyfriend. Which is correct? I am thinking about becoming an altruistic donor so do need the amswer

Bolly profile image

Hi Liverley. For a definitive answer you might be best to contact the NHSBT organ donor organisation. It sounds from their website that usually blood relatives are the best match for living donations because of tissue type matching, but it seems non family members can also be considered if they are 'perfectly' matched.


Tracy0512 profile image

As of two weeks ago when we went to the liver transplant assessment . For liver donation it has to be same blood type. O for O, A for A . The rhesus doesn't matter. Also has to be same build. Eg a twenty stone man can't donate to a small woman . The question I need to ask is if I could donate anonymously part of liver to for example a child.

Tracy0512 profile image

Just checked. Look at bbc news health 23 jan 2013. First live liver donation to a stranger. There is your answer

Pensylvania profile image

Thats Great news Tracy!, -everyday's a school day, right enough. Pleased to hear your boyfriend is improving, and well done, another example of how doing your research really pays off! All the best. x

sophiaS1980 profile image

I don't know what part of the world you live but here in the USA we can give to anyone as long as you are a match and in good heath yourself. good luck!

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