just diagnosed with NASH: Just needed to... - British Liver Trust

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just diagnosed with NASH

red1962 profile image
9 Replies

Just needed to express my feelings, I have been felling unwell for a while, I knew something was wrong, overweight, tired, reduced interest in sex, difficulty concentrating, and able to sleep for far more than 8 hours.

GP tells me I have NASH, but not diabetic. The treatment is to reduce/ stop alcohol consumption, and loose fat from my waist.

I have been for my first gym session in 5 years (30 minutes after appointment with GP).

I am so scared! cirrhosis & fibrosis look like they could kill me; I believe I am just NASH at present, but can I turn this round? If I loose weight, and improve my diet, will I be OK?

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red1962 profile image
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9 Replies
kitkatkaz profile image

Hi there Red1962, I also have NASH Cirrhosis, before I was diagnosed I had the same symptoms as you, also I am Diabetic Type 2, believe me, I can understand how scared you are. I came home after the consultant appointment, did plenty of crying, and then looked on the internet about life expectancy being about 5 years, which is tough when you are just turned 50, it's 2 and a half years now since I was told, but I'm sure I had it for a while before that. I don't drink at all, but I am overweight. Try to use the fear to your best advantage, enjoy the gym knowing that it is going to give you extra time and do your best to stop drinking, that way, if you ever need a liver transplant at any point in the future, at least the doctors will be happy to help you knowing you are trying to help yourself. I found swimming is helpful, and if your gym has a sauna and steam room that will help get rid of some of the toxins. I wish you luck, and hope you don't feel like you're alone, you certainly aren't, and i'll keep a look out for your posts.

Ginsing profile image

Morning Red1962, join the club I I to have NASH, I was sent of to a dietician by my rheumatologist. Never been asked to go or been check since diagnosis. I understand it is fatty liver it happens to lots of people ours in non alchoholic we dont drink so we have some thing going for us. I admitt I am over weight but also have great mobility problems and just at moment have a herniated disc in back so moving is very painful. I do watch what I eat except when I am depressed and then chocolate is needed. Life is hard some times good luck with your management of it. xgins

KeepGoing profile image

I was diagnosed over three years ago but have had it since 2007. I had a BMI of 26 and no other problems. Non drinker, blood pressure, diabetes, family history etc. I have a BMI of 23 now and cut fat massively from my diet. Told to eat nothing with more than 8% fat per 100. With an occasional blowout at the weekend allowed. I did no real exercise before diagnosed. I now cycle loads and loads. I did over 4000 miles last year commuting and rides out around home. My bloods have gently decreased with a recent spike, but bilirubin is normal so happy days. I have had a biopsy that diagnosed problem. I rid the fat off my liver within the first 18 months, its lovely and clear but LFT's still not right. Cry after diagnosis?!....you wooose......yes I cried to...loads and loads....my wife has been a star and kept me on the straight and narrow. Its a real 'Why me?' I'm not this, I'm not that etc. Since diagnosis I have never been fitter or healthier. The problem remains to a degree and I will not have any real answers until another scan/biopsy. I have absolutely no symptoms except for the odd bit of mild tiredness. Mind you I have work shifts for 20 years. I am now 42. Avoid Glucose-Fructose Syrup, high fat foods, alcohol and exercise regularly.

KeepGoing profile image

Diagnosed with NASH, by the way.

red1962 profile image

Thanks all of you for the support. Day 2 since diagnosis, support from family, friends, and bloggers all helping. Just need to develop and maintain some healthy habits now. Thanks again.

mac2015 profile image

I just got recently with NASH. Over 70% of my liver is fat and also is enlarged and inflamed! My GI has just recently set me up with a appointment to see a dietitian.

Splodge60 profile image

I’m curious, what test did the GP do to diagnose NASH? Usually it is something a Specialist does. It can’t be picked up by an Ultrasound. I hope you don’t mind this question but I’m interested to know?

lbourg99 profile image
lbourg99 in reply to Splodge60

a liver biopsy is the only conclusive diagnosis test

Catz1 profile image

I was diagnosed with compensated NASH cirrhosis in February this year and was extremely worried especially about my mortality. My specialist told me to eat a balanced diet with as little refined carbs as possible but not cutting carbs out - so eating wholemeal bread, pasta and brown rice. Also he told me not to cut out fats but instead make sure to eat healthy fats from nuts etc. The only things he did tell me to avoid under all circumstances were:- alcohol, red meat & sugary drinks. He also told me not to lose more than a 1-2lbs a week as rapid weight loss can cause damage to a struggling liver. He suggested at least 30 mins walking a day. After doing all he suggested and reading about what to eat etc on the internet my next blood test showed all my readings were normal. He was extremely pleased with my progress and said that as I am at the early stages of cirrhosis if I continue doing what I am doing regarding diet and exercise I will probably die with cirrhosis but not from it. If like me you are at the early stages then this is good news even though as he says 'it is not a race it is a marathon' and there are days when being strict with myself is really hard. I am an avid baker and will not eat any of my cakes now however for my sons birthday I made a 'healthy cake' if there is such a thing and treated myself to a slice. This is, I suppose, my new normal and how I have to live in order to stay alive for longer. I am lucky this was found during an operation to remove my gall bladder when the surgeon took a biopsy of my bad looking liver - even though at the time I was devastated and angry as it came completely out of the blue. Life is hard but better with people in groups like this to help us when we are down and worried. Sorry for such a long message but just wanted to share the info and advice my specialist has given me.

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