I have Auto- Immune Hepatitis and am moving from Plymouth to Bristol. I was wondering what experiences other people have had of health care in Bristol and which consultants are leading in this area?
Many Thanks
I have Auto- Immune Hepatitis and am moving from Plymouth to Bristol. I was wondering what experiences other people have had of health care in Bristol and which consultants are leading in this area?
Many Thanks
There's a good online support forum for AIH at autoimmunehepatitis.co.uk/. Try asking there too.
I believe Bristol Royal Infirmary has a clinic treating Hep C, but not sure about AIH specialists there. They are one of the UK's liver transplant centres, so one would hope they have good hepatologists there!
Dear jenniwren,
Here is the weblink to University Hospital in Bristol, from where you will see the list of Consultants in hepatology:
Please feel free to give me a call on the Helpline number: 0800 652 7330, or email me at: sarah.tattersall@britishlivertrust.org.uk
I would be more than happy to have a chat with you to see if I can offer some advice and support.
Best wishes and kind regards,