hello, little back history I was diagnosed in 2023 with non alcoholic fatty liver disease. Never knew I had it , only reason I found out was because I had high liver enzymes. Well had a fibroscan and other blood work and things was in a good place. Until recently, I’ve been having pains in that area, and a urine test said I had bilirubin in my urine. Don’t know if it was because I just got over the flu. Well my gastroenterologist sent off some more blood work and one of the test he did was an elf (tm) score. Says that my score was a 8.3. So I’m trying to figure out has my liver gotten so bad that there’s nothing I could really do for it now, or do I still have a chance to help it. Is there really a chance to heal from fibrosis
at my wits end about my liver - British Liver Trust
at my wits end about my liver

Your ELF test result looks like you don't have advanced fibrosis so yes you can still greatly improve matters through healthy diet and exercise.
"In conjunction with other laboratory findings and clinical assessments, an ELF Score can aid the diagnosis and assessment of the severity of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic liver disease.
An ELF Score ≥10.51 suggests advanced liver fibrosis and is an indication for referral to a specialist in hepatology. If the ELF Score is <10.51, then advanced liver fibrosis is unlikely."
The British Liver Trust has some excellent information on NAFLD/MASLD as it is now labelled (Metabolic Disfunction Associated Steatoic Liver Disease) including a downloadable leaflet on how to treat the condition with Healthy Diet and Exercise.
Yes, fibrosis can be reversed - it is only when you have full on cirrosis that the damage can't be undone.
If you had a normal fibroscan so recently that seems fast to have gotten any serious scarring. Did they give you your kPa and CAP scores at the time of the Fibroscan? I don't know much about ELF scores and whether they can be affected by other things going on in the body like inflammation or flu. What does your gastroenterologist plan to do next? In the meantime I would be sure to put as little stress on the liver as possible...see the British Liver Trusts section on diet. When they diagnosed you with fatty liver hopefully they gave you guidelines on diet, exercise and weight loss.I think you need more information before drawing conclusions so try not to worry but be sure to get answers. Maybe give the British Liver Trust nurse hotline a call in the meantime. Is the pain still there or has it improved?
At the time I did my fibroscan my cap score was 254 and kpa 4.2. My liver doctor at the time told me my liver was still in a good place if I do like I’m suppose to. Well over that time frame I failed on my diet like an idiot and I ended up having a baby may 2024. About a month and a half ago is when the pain started. That when my gi doctor did the blood work and I learned my results. So now I’m like u done messed up again but has it gotten to late to do anything to try and make it better.