I am writing on this very friendly forum with a hope to get some advice. Has anyone had a similar situation?
I am very worried and confused.
I am a 43-year-old woman. Some of my symptoms began manifesting approximately a year ago. I experienced rapid, unexplained weight loss unrelated to dietary changes, along with severe fatigue, brain fog, blurred and distorted vision, intermittent nausea, pale stools, a persistent sweet, musty taste in my mouth. Additionally, spider angiomas are present on my abdomen and chest, my palms are reddened, dry skin, nails are white with a thin pink band at the ends and fine veins have appeared on my abdominal skin, which were not noticeable before. My symptoms are getting worse. I have pain in the right upper abdomen, muscles waste, hands tremor, extreme fatigue, legs edema, gait problems, abdomen distension, shortness of breath, dizziness, pressure-like headaches and tinnitus. I am very tired and drowsy but I can't get good sleep.
I have been using oral contraception for about 17 years, as well as paracetamol and ibuprofen due to my back pain and occasional headaches. I was also a bit overweight and have been using regularly herbal extracts like green tea to help my metabolism.
I sought medical help and underwent various blood tests, including a liver panel, which consistently showed results within the normal range. Viral hepatitis has been excluded. Due to the detection of occult blood in my stool, a colonoscopy and gastroscopy were performed but the results were normal. Repeated FIT came back positive again. Fibroscan- F0. Liver ultrasound done few months ago says "slightly increased echogenicity and slightly heterogenous".
My normal life has stopped due to my symptoms and extreme fatigue. I will appreciate any reply/ advice. I don't know anymore what to do and where to look for help in identifying my health condition.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards.