Hi I've got to have another endoscopy but in my letter it says with banding my consultant never explained this to me or told me I was having it done I'm really worried about it can anyone explain it to me or have they had it done and how did it feel during and after many thanks
Endoscopy with banding : Hi I've got to... - British Liver Trust
Endoscopy with banding

If you've had an endoscopy before then having it with banding is just the same procedure but if varices are found that need banding they will use a banding tool to pop a small rubber band round the bulging bit of vein to tie it off. If you are likely to have banding they'll probably want you to have sedation.
Post banding you'll probably have a bit of oesophagus pain on eating - imagine eating next to a mouth ulcer (that sort of thing). Soft diet for a few days afterwards.
Hubby had multiple banding sessions resulting in 42 varices banded over 2 years. Procedure takes all of 5 minutes at most.
Like Katie says, it really isn't that bad. I'm having my 26th gastroscopy over 6 years next month and I lost count when they banded 70 variciles!! A bit of discomfort afterwards, but a good excuse to eat jelly, ice cream, chocolate or tomato soup lol. Definitely go with sedation. Good luck.
hi it’s not to painfull second time I went it hurt more than first but was a different person doing it, just hurts a little when eating for couple of days x
Can't tell you how many endoscopy I've had or how many varices I've had banded, if you have to have banding it will hurt to eat for 3-4 days, my go to foods were lukewarm soup and cold rice pudding. Ask for sedation and you won't know anything about the procedure, but be prepared to sleep for 24 hours afterwards, I can't remember getting home after any of them, legally you won't able to drive, operate heavy machinery or sign legal documents for 24 hours if you have sedation. If they find any varices having them banded early is far preferable than having them bleed, I had 2 massive bleeds, ending up in icu, first 1 I lost nearly all the blood in my body and had a stroke.Good luck and hope they don't find any.
Hilary xx
well everyone else said it all! I’ve personally had two egd s here in the states. I’ve been trying to qualify for both of my hips to be replaced. After 8 months and stage 4 cirrhosis , childPugh A dx (I don’t really understand how it’s stage 4 and child Pugh A so I couldn’t tell you how that makes sense)started at 15 meld now down to 9 so I can finally have my hips replaced!! But I was told most likely after surgery I will need another egd and probably banding of some of the varicies already seen last month. I only remember someone saying ok here comes anesthesia then I woke up and at first I remember being a little irritated thinking my lord are we gonna do this or what? Then the the nurse said ok all done let’s get you back to your room. Lol. They used propofol. Amazing stuff, I personally didn’t feel groggy or nauseous or anything. Looked at the write up of procedure, it took 5 minutes. Little bit of a sore throat the second time but was gone by the time I woke up the next day. You should be just fine it’s ok to be anxious I still get like that every time I am in medical setting but I suppose it’s been for the best as I am able to calm myself down much better now, which is good because I have a lot of procedures coming my way. I wish you the best sorry for rambling!
I can honestly say that after having had 2 lots of banding, it's just having the camera down and and doing the banding, I personally didn't feel any different from from when I just had the camera, just about of a sore throat. But must say my 2nd lot of banding I had to have done due to the first lot of banding burst and was bringing up blood, so it was an emergency so it had to be done quickly. I got a local anaesthetic but didn't really need it. So don't worry you'll be ok. Take care and good luck you won't need it.