hi I was taken to spiral approx 5 weeks ago with internal bleeding, I had 3 bands put in my varices , had camera last week and a further 4 bands, have camera in 2 weeks time again to check see if I need more bands, what happens from now? Do I just have to allways get these cameras to check? And how many bands can you have, I have never had indestion until now which is really bad especially when trying to sleep, was on 30 mg lanzaparol twice a day but was put down to 15 as they were making me vomit
varices banding : hi I was taken to... - British Liver Trust
varices banding

My hubby underwent repeated bandings - every 6 to 8 weeks for 2 years after his initial massive variceal bleed. His consultant went for the 'aggressive banding' regime as she said the beta blockers don't work so well on someone who has already bled. In all hubby had 42 varices banded and subsequent endoscopies have revealed 'eradicated varices'.
They may need to change your PPI - my hubby has been on Omeprazole since initial diagnosis as he too suffered horrendous indigestion symptoms.
Also, he avoids trigger foods - citrus, vinegary things, fruit juice etc.
Hi, I had banding done regularly for 8 years right up until my transplant, it started of monthly after a massive bleed and after a couple of years reduced to six monthly and then yearly once doctors were happy varicies were under control. Hated every one of them, and couldn't eat for 3-4 days afterwards. I also took propanolol, lanzoprozol and regular Gaviscon even though I never had indigestion to stop the stomach acid damaging the varicies. Don't have to have them post transplant, yeah.Hilary xx
Does stomach acid damage the varicies? I know nothing! When you started the banding am assuming u had compensated cirrhosis with it being so long ago? My last camera was last Tuesday and throat is still hurting and have camera next week 😩
I presume they tested you for Helicobacter Pylori which is often present and a cause of acid stomach/reflux and gastritis. Mine was discovered at my first endoscopy and I was prescribed antibiotic and a high dose of Lanzaprazole in addition to my regular 15mg. These bacteria can cause irritation to the oesophagus and stomach and can impact varices.
A massive bleed was the first and only symptom I ever had of liver disease, brought up a whole sink full of blood also passing lots of thick black poo, taken into hospital, told I probably had a burst stomach ulcer, left overnight before having an endoscopy, during which I vomited up nearly all the blood in my body causing a stroke. No idea anything was wrong with my liver, had another massive bleed 2 years later ending up in ICU. It took 5 years after this before I was given a diagnosis and then it was a we think you have NASH cirrhosis, bloods ok, scans fine, even had 2 biopsy which both came back inconclusive. Compensated/noncompensated never mentioned, no stages.I was told that stomach acid can irritate varicies which is why I was given Gaviscon to take regularly. I was completely ignorant about any type of liver disease right up until my transplant, I never felt ill, no acities, HE, absolutely nothing.
Hope you feel better soon, I found ice-cream, rice pudding and soup the only things I could tolerate after banding, and soluble paracetamol. When you go next week tell the doctors how you have felt they may offer a solution, they don't know how it feels only someone that has had it done does. and hopefully you may not need any banded.Hilary
Hilary xxx
I was not tested for any thing just got rushed to hospital with lots of internal bleeding then got the bands then 4 weeks later a other 4 bands and back next week, I never got indejestion at all until after the bleed
When you have portal hypertension (the cause of varices) you often get changes to the stomach lining which can lead to indigestion type symptoms also think about how sore a mouth ulcer is when food passes by it - that's the type of pain you get after variceal banding as food and stomach acid iritates the banding site. The longest my hubby experienced pain when eating for was around 12 days one time, usually it was about a week and he was allowed to take paracetemol to help with the pain and was/remains on Omeprazole.
hey we spoke a few months ago and I was just wondering how you were getting on? Looks like you’ve had a few issues. Just want you know that people care and we are here to chat to if you need it.