Has anyone had the Hep B jab and had side effects? What were they, and how long did they last?
I had my first on Friday. On Sunday I suddenly felt tired and was sick. Since then I have have felt tired, nauseous, dry mouth and had a slight headache. No temperature. No other GI symptoms. My husband is well. Nobody I know has had any sort of bug I may have caught.
Essentially I have what feels like a hangover. I don't drink and have not for a couple of years.
This feeling is very familiar to me because it is what I was getting with my Hep C before it was cured with the antivirals. Weirdly, my nausea is relieved temporarily by eating, and that was also the case with the Hep C.
My suspicion is that my body is highly unamused at any suggestion of hepatitis anywhere near me and is reacting to the vaccine.
NHS website says that nausea and tiredness can be a side effect.