three months ago I had a Phibro scan with a score of 14.1 KPA. They diagnosed me with cirrhosis.. one month later I had a ultrasound and the results said my liver was smooth. two weeks ago I had a CT scan showing my liver was normal. does this mean I am just well compensated or was the fiber scan misleading? I changed my lifestyle anyways, so it’s for the better.
tests: three months ago I had a Phibro... - British Liver Trust

HiI'm in same boat had fibroscan KPA 19.5 so told i have Cirrhosis. Then had ultersound showed that my liver had a smooth outline and no lesions. I'm mega confused and worried. I been told on NHS could be a year before see liver specialist. So I decided to go private I can not sit on this for a year the anxiety and worry is killing me ! . So have an appointment on the 11th September so hopfully they do CT scan or biopsy. I have been told that fibroscan or not very reliable witch is what I'm hopeing for.
I think there are quite a few like us. I am symptomless but thought I would get tested at a mobile liver unit at a festival as I was a heavy drinker many years ago. As a result scored a whopping 28.8kpa (this was a month ago) but my ultrasound just showed fatty liver with no overt signs of cirrhosis and my bloods were fine. My BMI is 37 which may skew fibroscans results (amongst other things as well). In these cases it seems it makes it very difficult for medical teams to accurately assess the levels of fibrosis in the liver without a biopsy (which is invasive and does carry a risk). As a result I am in the "ultrasound and bloods every six months to check for HCC, stop drinking and lose weight club" for the next couple of years and then, fibroscan again to see if it is moving down. It is not ideal but, on the plus side, it has scared me enough to make me stick to the lifestyle changes.
I'm exact same as you. No lesions, normal outline, smooth liver, normal bloods. KpA of 40 tho. Been told not sure if I have cirrhosis, but they are going to carry on treating me as if I have. Have given up worrying anymore. Am assuming that I have got it and just carrying on with the healthy lifestyle and no booze. What else can you do? I'm not dying, that's for sure. Just have a serious health condition that needs maintenance and monitoring.

Same here, its for the better to stop the drinking and a better lifestyle change
Hi, yes it does appear that fibroscans do not always tally with ultrasounds. I queried this with my consultant following a 6 moth review and he said that the main reason for the ultrasound was to detect cancer. With me the abnormal blood tests, previous cholastic hepatitis caused by IV antibiotics when I was in hospital with pneumonia and the fibroscan have concluded that I have cirrhosis. Each ultrasound is normal. I’m having another fibroscan in November ( 2 years after diagnosis) . Interesting to find out what the reading will be??????