I do now feel like a fraud being here 😔 and my apologies to anybody here who feels I’ve created a storm in a teacup for myself and that I should clear the cyber waves for genuine issues. But in fairness to myself my GPs have been expressing serious concerns to me, I feel suggesting that I’m bound to have liver disease and that the fibroscan was to help determine extent/severity.
Abnormal blood test results, deranged liver enzymes and a Fib4 score of 1.55 prompted my GP to send me for a Fibroscan. 7 weeks later the hospital has written to me with a result, kind of, which is:
“….currently your liver has not developed fibrosis and the scan returned a normal result…”.
I’m stunned to read the words stating no fibrosis because despite being in an “indeterminate” band I was expecting at least some fibrosis! Yet the wording above suggests F0 I think? The hospital letter contains no figures/scores/readings. It sounds like a win and a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders today 🙂
The likely cause of my deranged liver enzymes has not yet been explained and hopefully my GP will have something to say when I see them 9th May.
Can I ask if there's anybody in a similar position and what questions I should ask my GP next?
Best wishes to all.