I noticed urine colour changes 4 years ago ( Went dark orange if I did nt drink much water or alcohol ) if I drink say 5 pints of water or alcohol a day my urine is stew yellow to clear , as soon as I only drink about 2 pints a day it goes back to dark sort of orange , then 2 days ago after not drinking much water I had a small wee and it was pink , when I wiped it , showed it was actually red . The day before I had dry reached and been sick about 7 times in the moaning being sick yellow bile , ( did see a bit of blood ) and all my mussels ached front stomach mussels chest , bladder . Ached so much it hurt to breath . All my past urine tests from 4 year have always been fine , but I have never had blood before . Anyone else had anything like this ?
Blood in urine : I noticed urine colour... - British Liver Trust
Blood in urine

You need expert medical advice
I would take myself to the nearest hospital if I were you.
Get yourself to the nearest A&E ASAP.

As others have suggested, this is something best checked out as soon as possible with your own health care professional or other medical provider.
Best wishes
British Liver Trust
I had similar but chose to ignore it (idiot) ended up with a UTI which could have been very very serious. Don’t make the same mistake. All the best.
I don’t know my mind is a total blank for 24 hours after it happened I had to ask my wife what happened, She called 999 when she realised I was unaware of what was going on. Strangest experience of my life. I have liver cancer going to QEB this week for there decision as to what to do next.
yes it was described to me as a series of things going wrong at the same time could have been fatal.