Dear BLT people,
I hope you are all doing reasonably well.
After my story 1.5 year ago about my misdiagnosed liver cirrhosis its kind of weird to say that I found out that my dad was diagnosed with liver cancer today. (he was never a drinker or fat or what so ever, he is quite old though, he is 81).
My dad got older and older but suddenly a lot worse from June last year. In oktober and november he took clearly another step back, ate way less, lost weight, and everything seemed to he had to do was going way more difficult then before. In December I realised it was going to be our last Christmas with my dad. From that Christmas day till now he got extremely much worse.
Lost again more weight, was not able to do anything anymore the last 3-4 weeks, and was sleeping more and more.
We never knew what he had because he didnt wanted to go to hospital, he just knew it was going downhill but we didnt know what he had. Until today. At home the GP took some blood a few days ago and some urine sample and an echo (some portable thing, didnt know it existed) was made in his hospitalbed in his home. Thats how we found out.
The last few days he went from sleeping from 14 hours a day to 20 hours. Has a huge amount of pain in his whole upper area (chest, ribcage) which of course probably is from that liver. He also now looks yellow. Today for the first day he didnt wanna eat anything except drinking tons of water. Also he is very confused and is saying a lot of things that doesnt make any sense.
I have a very simple question (he's not getting any treatment except pain relief pills and morfine). How long do you guys (from people who got experience with losing family to this horrible disease) in general we still have with him? The GP didnt wanna answer the question. Or was at least very vague.
It would be nice if somebody could give me a ball-park figure. It will not take a year I understand that. But is it days or weeks?
Please share some experiences if U wish.
I wish everybody the best as possible and I hope I can look forward to your replies.